Chapter 15

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"That is not!", she exclaimed.

I shrugged and said, "Good luck on it, he's like really smart for a jock".

"I know right", she squealed.

She started to speak again but the bell rang cutting her off.

"Well I hope the project's about human reproduction then maybe the two of you could make a video", I winked and ran down the hall to Math as she yelled at me.

Math was boring as usual and I was doodling at the back of my note book when I got a text from Tyler. It read

Tyler:What was Brad doing at your house this morning?? 😉

Me: None of your business and if you wanna fuck someone again please don't do it in my house, my poor virgin ears.

Tyler:Ha as if you've never heard those sounds. I'm sure you watch porn.

Me: Even if I did that's also none of your business

Tyler : I live with u

Me: You're welcome to leave anything bro

Tyler: Nah I prefer living with u and annoying the shit outta u

Me: fuck u, u bas-

My phone was grabbed right out of my hand by none other than Mrs. Batley, our Math teacher.

"GIVE THAT BACK!", I yelled lunging for it but she took a step back and kept reading our texts.

She gasped as she read them (no wonder) Finally she put my phone down and glared at me, "Texting in class and stuff you are texting about".

I glared back at her, "At least I don't have a bad manners to take others things without permission and reading their private stuff".

I heard a few gasps around the classroom as I spoke, surely nobody has ever spoken to Mrs. Batley before.

"That's it, Ivy and Tyler, PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE NOW!".

"What did I do?", Tyler asked standing up.

"You were the person who was chatting with her", she spat.

People started whispering as we walked out of class. From what I know, he never actually texts the sluts he sleeps with other than to decide the place and time he wanna fuck them. So the last time Tyler got in trouble for texting in class was when he was dating Milda, his ex girlfriend.

"I can't believe him, moving on too fast don't you think?", I heard a girl say.

Tyler who was infront of me and paused making me smack right into his back. I grumbled and rubbed my head. Tyler glared at the girl who said it, "Keep the shit you wanna say for yourself".

I followed him out and once the door shut behind us I glared at him, "THIS IS YOUR FAULT!".

"How come? I didn't do anything", he protested.

"You're the one who texted me first".

"Forget it, we're not going to the office, come on", he said walking away.

"We, you mean you, I'm not getting involved with you, everyone in our class thinks we're dating", I said walking after him.

"So let them think that who cares?".

"I do", I said stopping and taking a deep breath, "Cause I'm dating Brad".

That made Tyler stop too, "That guy? The guy who doesn't give a shit about you?".

"He cares dumbass", I said angrily.

"Then why would he leave you that night at the club huh? Who took you home after that?", Tyler asked turning around to face me.

"You only did that cause you live with me", I spat.

"That doesn't matter, what matters is that Brad didn't bother", he said walking closer to me.

"I don't care if you don't like him, but I do so like you said in class, Keep the shit you wanna say to yourself", I said and walked away.

I decided to go to the janitors closet since class hasn't finished yet. It was dark and dusty and the last I came here was over an year ago. I tried turning on the light but it didn't work so I turned on my phone's flashlight and sat on the ground. I couldn't do anything about the dust though so I decided to go along with me. I was thinking about Brad, does he really care or is Tyler right? Stop it, I'm just being paranoid. Just then I got a text from Tyler.

Tyler : Where r u

Me: Away from u

Tyler: I'm gonna find u

I rolled my eyes and turned off my phone, the bell rang and I stood up dusting myself down, I walked out. And smacked right into Tyler.

"What the fuck are you doing here?", I asked angrily.

"Looking for you", he grinned.

"How do you know I'm here?", I asked glaring at him.

"I'm superhuman".

I rolled my eyes and walked past him heading to my locker. I saw Kiya, Gina and Emma waiting there for me.

"So had a good fight?", Kiya asked smirked.

"What?", I asked confused.

"You and Tyler", Emma said pushing away from her locker which is right next to mine, "You guys were yelling and I'm sure that almost half of the building heard you'll".

"OH SHIT", I yelled, " ARE YOU'LL SERIOUS?!".


Shit I hoped Brad didn't hear it. I don't mind if he heard it but I don't want him to get the wrong idea. Thank goodness I have English now with him. I pushed my friends away from the locker and grabbed my books and ran to English. On the way I bumped into Stan and he stopped me.

"Ivy I need to talk to you about what Miles told me that day", he said.

"Not right now, I'm busy", I said pushing him away.

"BUT IT'S IMPORTANT!", he yelled after me as I ran.

I burst into class but Brad wasn't there yet. He actually didn't show up for English, so I guess he skipped. If I knew I would've gone with him. I hope I get a chance to speak to him at lunch at least.

At lunch

I found Brad and my friends all sitting at our usual table. I walked up to Brad said, "Can we talk?".

"Um..sure", he said standing up following me out.

I heard my friends giggle, Stan and his laugh and Chris yelled, "Spare us the details of your talk when you'll get back!".

"Or should we book you'll a room?!", Andy yelled.

I rolled my eyes and took Brad to the janitors closet where I was at before.

"A janitors closet", he arched an eyebrow and then smirked, "Dirtiest place in the school".

"Haha I didn't bring you here for that", I said.

He smirked and then trapped me between his arms with my back pressed against the walls. Brad leaned closer and kissed me. The kiss turned into a make out session and at one point I was thinking about telling him the actual reason why I brought him but exactly then Brad lowered his hands to the back of my thighs and lifted me up against him making me wrap my legs around him. It felt wonderful I didn't want to stop and I wasn't worried about going too far with Brad.

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