Chapter 10

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Ivy P.O.V

I woke up by someone nudging me. I head hurt terribly too, I can't even remember what happened last night. I turned around and saw Tyler next to me still asleep. Did he bring me here? I was gonna ask him when he let out a small laugh.

"Am I so good-looking you have to stare like that?".

"No you look worse than a bear after hibernating", I said looking him up and down but I stopped when it I saw his abs.

"Enjoying the view?", he asked smirking, "Don't worry your just one of the many girls who saw them".

"Ew, I don't want so much info about the girls you slept with", I said sitting up.

"Sad your not the first?".

"WHAT THE HELL!?", I yelled and threw the covers off me.

I still had my clothes on so....

"Got you", Tyler said and started laughing.

I whacked him with a pillow and stood up, "Jerk", I said before walking to the bathroom.

I was having a peaceful shower but I was interrupted.



I quickly put on some clothes and ran out.

"Get dressed" , I said throwing a shirt at Tyler.

"Nah, I'm not going".

"We have one of the biggest tests of the year today", I reminded which was enough to make him jump straight out of bed and run to the bathroom.


I totally flunked that test. I couldn't remember a thing and I had a terrible hangover from all that alcohol. I walked to lunch feeling miserable. I sat down with my friends and started eating quietly until Stan arrived. He looked worried.

"Ivy are you OK? I'm sorry I didn't know you drank too much. How did you get home?", he asked all at once.

"Yeah I'm fine just a headache, it's OK and Tyler took me home, I owe him one", I said smiling.

Stan smiled and sat down next to me with Miles, Andy and Greg. My head started hurting horribly again so without realizing what I was doing a leaned my head on Stan's shoulder.

That's when I saw my friends staring at me. Jeez. I ignored them and didn't move from away from him. Stan wrapped and arm around me and pulled me closer to him.

I felt relieved that me doesn't mind me being like this. I closed my eyes hoping to catch some sleep but I was interrupted by Brad.

"Ivy I'm sorry I had to go last night, it was urgent", he said sitting on my other side and keeping a hand on my back.

"It's fine and I'll be fine if you guys give me sometime to rest", I said closing my eyes again.


I was shook awake my Stan.

"Sorry for waking you but we got to get to class now", he said.

I nodded and lifted my head off his shoulder and Stan grabbed my hand and pulled me up. We all left the cafeteria together and I was surprised that Brad wasn't with his friends today since he's always with them but he said they were absent.

Stan and I walked together since we had Chemistry together and on our way I saw Tyler making out with some slutty girl wearing shorts that revealed like most of her ass and a crop top that ended just below her boobs,  in front of the class room door.

I cleared my throat loudly causing them to break apart. The girl glared at me as I kicked Tyler on my way in. He's absolutely disgusting you know, like who the hell does that Infront of a classroom, none other than Tyler The Jerk. That's my new name for him, Tyler The Jerk. Has a nice ring to it. But now I have to survive the rest of the day with or without Tyler.

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