Gone part2

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I came back from the bathroom and heard them talking so I stayed back a little

Why was he asking so many questions? Colin asked Scarlett

Does it look like I know, I shouldn't have even introduced you two. Scarlett said

Then why are we here now Scarlett why am I here with you and your husband, shouldn't you two be working out your problems? Colin asked

What problems? Scarlett asked

Do you think he knows what we did? Colin asked

No he shouldn't know he wasn't there, and it was a mistake that won't happen again. Scarlett said

But it did happen again we had sex 5 times in one week don't you think he has to have came over on night we were doing it? He asked

Shut up Colin. Scarlett said

You have to tell Y/N. Colin said and I walked over

Tell Y/N what? I asked sitting down

Nothing. Scarlett said

Um I'm gonna go to the bathroom I'm not feeling so good. Scarlett said

You okay? I asked

Not really I'll be back. Scarlett said and walked away

After a while of silence Scarlett came back

Hey you good. I asked

No, can we go home I threw up and I'm still not feeling well. Scarlett said

Yeah let's go. I said


It has been a few days and me and Scarlett are at the hospital because she hasn't stopped throwing up

I was waiting outside the room for Scarlett when the doctor came out

Hey did you figure out what was wrong? I asked

Yes your wife is pregnant, congratulations. The doctor said

How long? I asked

About 4 weeks now. The doctor said and walked away

I went inside Scarlett's room and saw her on her phone and I sat in the chair next to the bed and she put her phone down

What did the doctor say? Scarlett asked

I think you know. I said and Scarlett sat up

Look Y/N let me explain. Scarlett said

Let you explain that you're pregnant with someone else's child, let me guess it's Colin's. I said and her face changed

You knew? Scarlett asked

Yeah I knew and I didn't want a divorce because I loved you and I hoped it only happened once but it obviously didn't. I said my eyes watering

Y/N. Scarlett said

I loved you and you cheated on me because I worked too much, I was doing that for you and Rose, I was trying to pay for bigger stuff to have for Christmas I wanted to get Rose a Play house that she could play in I wanted to get you a necklace that you wanted for your birthday but I couldn't get it for you. I said

I did everything for you. I said standing up

How about you have Colin do stuff for you now, I'll take a cab to the house, I'll see you later. I said and walked out the room


It has been two years since I divorced Scarlett and she had the baby with Colin and they are now engaged

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