Male reader all interviews SJ

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Interview 1

I am at a interview by myself and I'm on this huge stage with a bunch of people in the crowd

Okay so Y/N I have a big question, we know your dating Scarlett Johansson Aka black widow so do you like Scarlett in her black widow suit or just a dress showing her back tattoo? This girl asked

Ok so that everyone is what I like to call a math equation because I don't know I love her in both but I love seeing her back tattoo she loves seeing my back tattoos too, but I think I'm might go with the Black widow suit.

Interview 2

I am in a interview with Scarlett and Chris right now it is a live interview with a bunch of people in the crowd

So Y/N you have been working on movies with Scarlett since you two started acting so I have to ask have you ever seen her naked? A male asked

Damn that is the first question I get. I said choking on my water

Um me and Scarlett worked on a adult film together once and we were lovers on it, so yes I have seen her naked multiple different times when we worked together and she has never seen me fully naked because I lock my doors. I said

Yeah just tell everyone that, two best friends see the other one naked. Scarlett said

Interview 3

I am at a avengers interview and I'm drinking watermelon juice while waiting

Um Y/N what is one thing you want your character to do? I was asked

In the next movie I want a big dramatic death scene and then I want at the end of the movie and be like tricked ya or not I'm happy to stay dead for the next two movies. I said

Why do you want to die your the second hottest in the avengers. RDJ said

With Scarlett and Elizabeth I'm the fourth hottest have you seen them, I would die for them. I said and looked at them and they were shocked

Don't be shocked you know it's true. I said

Marvel Women ImaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora