Why is Love Important? Cupid x F Reader

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Prompt: Reader hates love and everything with it. So when true hearts day comes up she hates it. But Cupid is determined to find out why the reader hates love, not just doing it do to it being her job to help people find their true loves, but because Cupid seems to like the reader.

Requested: Yes!

(Y/n)- Your name
(H/c)- hair color
(F/c)- flame color

Notes: I decided to do an OC for this and there is some angst, like tiny bit

(Y/n) PoV:

"Why do we even celebrate true hearts day? Isn't it like valentine's day?" I asked Celest as I closed my locker.

For those of you who don't know Celest she is the daughter of Megara, yes like the Megara from the story of Hercules. Many thought we wouldn't be good friends since in our story I'm the bad guy- or bad girl and she's the damsel that needs to be saved. Well fortunate enough, we're roommates and now we're best friends forever after.

I looked over at Celest, waiting for an answer. "It isn't that bad, who knows maybe this year you'll find your true love," Celest teased as she wiggled her eyebrows at me.

"Oh haha, very funny besides you know how much I hate love." I said with a fake gag, disgusted on why she would bring it up. Celest shrugged at me as we walk in silence. As we had walked into the castleteria, I see a certain pink haired girl already helping people.

We had went to go get ourselves some food before sitting down near the corner of the castleteria. After being there for a couple of minutes Cupid comes over and says hi.

"Hey Celest!" Cupid says as she smiles at her before looking at me, "H-hey (Y/n)!" She says with a small stutter and has a small blush against her light pink skin. I would never admit it out loud but Cupid was one of the gorgeous and most kind hearted people at this school.

Celest smiles at her as I give her a small nod to show I've acknowledge her. "Hey Cupid! Any special plans for the day?" Celest asked her.

"Well like last year, Briar is helping me throw another dance! And this time it doesn't have to be a secret!" Cupid excitedly as she clapped her hands, I rolled my eyes.

"I don't see why we even celebrate true hearts day. I thought Valentines day was enough." I stated, giving Celest a small glare for bringing up today. She gave me a sheepish smile before looking down at her plate.

"Well you see (Y/n), I think it's wonderful to have another day dedicated for love! I think you should stop being a grumpy pants," Cupid looked me in the eyes as she sat across from me.

I sighed, "I'm sorry I don't like today or love in general, if you hadn't notice, it isn't exactly my thing." I went back to eating as Cupid just stared at me.

After a few quiet seconds she finally spoke up, "Why do you hate love so much? What ever happened to you?" She asked out of nowhere. I had stopped eating, no one has ever really asked me that.

"I don't think that is any of your concern. Now go do your job since you seem to love today." I grunted through my teeth, I have very little patience, trying to not flame out.

"But my job is to help everyone, that includes you," Cupid said, putting her hand on top of mine. I could feel my face heat up but I shook my head.

I pulled my hand away from her, "I don't need any help. Just because Dexter couldn't notice you doesn't mean I want your attention." Before I could even stop myself it had already slipped out. Cupid had stiffened as Celest had now stopped eating.

Cupid had stood up, dusting herself off a bit, looking at me, "If that's how you feel."

"Wait Cupid-" I couldn't even get another word out before she started walking away. She had looked upset at my words. I knew I shouldn't had said anything about last year with Dexter but I was getting annoyed. "Celest you can go to class, I need to go talk to Cupid," I told her before going after Cupid.

*a few moments later*

After asking a few people (and a very angry Blondie) I was now outside of Cupid's dorm. I took a deep breath before knocking, "Cupid? It's me (Y/n).. can we talk?" I waited a few moments before I heard the door clicked and it opened.

I had looked up, making eye contact with blue eyes that seemed to have been crying. 'Shit. Did I make her cry?' I thought to myself.

"What do you want (Y/n)? You made it pretty clear you didn't want me around." She said as the door was halfway open, she had some tear stains on her face.

Looking down both sides of the hall, I stood closer to the door. "Can I come in? So we could just talk?" I asked her. She let out a sigh before opening the door more and letting me in.

Once I was inside I faced Cupid fully. "Look I know I was an ass and my intention wasn't meant to hurt you," I softly said, afraid she would run off again, "I didn't mean to bring him up I swear." I genuinely felt bad about what I said. I knew how long it took Cupid to get over him.

It was an awkward silence before Cupid spoke up, "I'm sorry for trying to push you to tell me why you hate love. As much as it's my job to help others, it's my job to also be a good friend." She gave me a small smile.

I looked at for admiration, not understanding how easily she could even forgive me.

I had pulled out my mirror phone, checking the time. 'How the hell is it already almost 2nd period?!' I asked myself. "Uhm.. how about I drop you off at your class?" I ask her.

"Sure! Why not," she said happily as she cleaned herself up a bit before walking out the door. I had followed after her, admiring her every move. 'Maybe this love thing isn't so bad' I think to myself.

To be continued...

(I'll make a part 2, I just don't want it to be to long 😭)

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