Journey begins

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„Oh this is not good! Not good at all!" she was fiddling her hands and walking up and down as she taught of the implication the quest of the dwarves is going to have.

What in the world did Gandalf smoked, this time to get a stupid idea like that? Taking back Erebor!? Erebors whole army couldn't protect their kingdom against Smaug and they think that they can do it with 13 men?

„Who, do those dwarves think they are?" thought Preall before stopping completely in her movement. That was a good question, the dwarf who Preall thinks is the leader said that the wealth of THEIR people lies unprotected as well as that they should claim what is rightfully THEIRS. Could it be that does dwarves were from...from Ered Luin? That does where the descendants of the Durinfolk? Her dwarven kingdom, was that why Gandalf had asked her?

She knows that the rest of her clan still have guardians and still are forming new ones but well nobody knew where there village was. Not the other villages, not the other clan leaders and not even Preall. After having left there old village in the moving mist, Preall didn't know where they had settled. So technically she was the only shifter Gandalf could have asked to protect these dwarves from Ered Luin. Great now she had no choice did she? While other guardians would probably accept to protect those dwarves she couldn't be certain of it, they wouldn't be guardians of Durin.

"This is hopeless! On one hand is it my duty as a shifter to protect those dwarves on the other hand I'm not a guardian. But the rest of my clan decided to disappear elsewhere, but I'm also just a mistake not adequate to protect them. " pulling her hair at the situation Preall growled
"This is hopeless!" Preall sighed and laid down on her mat

After having escaped the Shire Preall continued to travel through the night even as it began to dawn she didn't stop only when she stepped into a river did she stop. She didn't even realized how far she had wandered she was lucky nothing had happened to her during her travel. This can happen again wandering alone is already dangerous enough but wandering and daydreaming that has death written all over. So Preall decided to rest until she could figure out what she was going to to with the troubling information she had overheard. Yet no matter how much she grumbled over the problem no solution seemed to come to mind. The sun had already set over the trees and sleep wanted to claim the girl but she first needed to find a solution.

"Ok, one more time! " Preall sigh before continuing
"The dwarves want to conquer Erebor and most likely need protection on their quest, which they don't have! Having heard of dwarf stubbornness, it is unlikely that they would ask a guardian themselves to join. Yet the shifter clan who are supposed to protect them have disappeared into thin air years ago. Other clan would probably help but not guarantied and no shifter village lies on the way to Erebor last I checked. The dwarves probably won't retard their quest after their last words and that leaves me. The only shifter, knowing of the quest available, but unwelcome by dwarves. " it was hopeless!

Holding back her urge to yell Preall looked into the darkness of the forest were only owl hooting was to hear and then down to the river were she heard the croaking of a frog, rather loudly as if it was front...of her. Going closer to the water and looking around for a bit Preall could, due to her eyes, make out the top of a little frog.

"Heh not bad, small one if it weren't for you croaking I wouldn't even have found you. You nearly look...invisible. " going back to her mat Preall thought about that 'invisible'.
"I can't make myself invisible but I can hide and creep pretty well. Huh, what the dwarves don't know won't hurt them! Hah, as long as the dwarves don't know I'm there I could be the one to protect them...I could keep my promise oh this is perfect! " 

Having found a way to keep the company save Preall thanked the frog for this wonderers idea before laying down on her sleeping mat and get a few hours of sleep before having to find the company tomorrow, she had a pretty good idea of were to start.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2023 ⏰

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