Bag End

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1 month later...

/Okay, so...where am I now?/ Preall look up again from her map, only to come to the realization that she is lost.

"Well, that is a first. Where, in the name of the three brothers, is the Shire?" she began to question out loud she has been wandering the woods for quite some time now after, having to get off the road because a rabbit caught her attention and her dumb instincts wanted to chase it. Only for her to not only lose the rabbit, but also the path.  

"Okay, so what do I know... I'm lost. Well thats pretty obvious, but what do I know more abouuuuut...the hobbits? Was it hobbit? Yeah, yeah, it was hobbits okay number 1." Preall began to count on her hand
"They are gentle folk, well that's of no help at all.
Number 2: They aren't fond of outsiders. A problem for when I am AT the Shire!
Number 3: They are lively people who like to eat and party and farm... So maybe. I will be able to hear or smell the Shire, if not them I have to go south, and try again? " she said, taking one last look at her map before putting it away in her bag.

Making sure no one was around Preall took off the metal band on her head and listen closely. She could her birds and squirrels, the winds rustling the leaves, but no people. /Let's try smelling then/ She breathed out and concentrated before taking a slow deep breath to her nose. Preall could identify the smell of dirt and wood of moos and leaves and a faint smell of...pie.

"Thank you, Freki for my nose!" Preall praised as she quickly hid her ears again before following that divine smell of baked pie.
After a good half hour Preall finally saw the outline of what looked to be rolling hills, slowly Preall approached and was in aww of what she saw. Each hill seemed to have windows and a round door. A path connected each, some of the flat surfaced land was surrounded by fences in with animals were kept. Or simple used as farm land. She could hear children and adults laughing. /this is peaceful!/ Preall though looking around while going further in what she now presumed to by the Shire.

"Excuse me, good sir?" Preall said, trying to get the attention of a gardener, who was planting some flowers. The Hobbit, she thinks, turned around to face her, just to stumble back when he took in her appearance.
For others, it may seem like a normal thing to wander around with weapons on display, but not for hobbits. Maybe he would have accepted it if Preall was a man but for a woman to go around in what seemed rangers clothes, hooded and armed at that was a bit too much for the Hobbit as he mumbled something while quickly getting back inside the house.

"Well, that was weird? Looks like I have to ask someone else."
Yet it seemed that was going to be a bit of a difficult task. While Preall was only the high of a dwarf, she towered over the small hobbits and most either ignored her or went the other way.
It was getting later by the minute and slowly Preall was becoming nervous on top of being frustrated, it wouldn't be a good first impression if she came late, so as a last resort she turned to the only ones she hadn't asked...children.

"Hey there, little ones. Oh! Nonono don't be afraid, it's okay!" Preall quickly said when she realized that the children were scared and beginning to turn the other way. To seem less frightening, she lowered herself on her knee to be the same size as them.
"It seems I am a bit lost. Could you please tell me if this is the Shire?" she asked softly as to not scare them again, and that looked like it helped. Slowly, the children nodded their heads.
"Actually your in Hobbington." answered a boy pushing what seemed to be a little boy behind him.
"Really? Why thank you, this is exactly where I was headed! Now could you please tell me how to get from her to Bag End? " Preall asked again now cheerfully
"It's the Smial on top of that hill, it has a green door and a large front garden." said what seemed to be the oldest boy of the group, as he pointed towards the hill. Preall thanked them again and began to make her way up when one of the children asked her
"Why are the tips of your hair blue?" Preall turned around again to see that the girl who asked her that question was hiding behind another girl.  

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