ROMANTIC: Mike [5] - fem!reader (she/her)

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You and Mike hurriedly got dressed again, having just heard from Lucas that it was an emergency. You two were finally doing what you've been longing to do now that you've gotten alone time together, but now that was interrupted. You were still sweating, but you hoped that wouldn't be so obvious by the time that you got to Lucas's.

You both ran to your bikes outside, hopping on and not even glancing at each other until you reached your friend's house. Mike grabbed onto your hand, interlocking your fingers with his. You naturally stuck right by his side as you banged loudly on the door.

Lucas opened it in a matter of seconds. Looking at yours and Mike's close embrace, he disgustedly scrunched up his nose and said, "Maybe you two weren't the ones for this, but it's the best I got." He grabbed you by the arm and dragged you in, followed by Mike, who was attached at your hand.

"Okay, I need help with Max," he said, pointing his hands out to you, parallel of each other.

"What's wrong with her?" you asked curiously.

"I don't know, man!" he responded, throwing his hands up in the air, exasperated. "She's mad at me again, but this time she broke up with me! I don't even know what I did!"

"Oh, shit, man," Mike said, rubbing his free hand through his hair.

"You fucked up," you said.

"I guess?" Lucas said. "But the point is... I need help."

"From us?" you questioned.


You awkwardly looked at Mike, and he gave you a knowing look back. "The thing is, man... We don't ever have... screw-ups that bad in our relationship..." he said slowly. "We couldn't really help you."

Lucas clicked his tongue and sighed. "Of course! Don't even know why I called you two over in the first place. I mean, look at you!"

He pointed towards Mike's right arm, which was being held captive by both of yours; your cheek was smushed against the top of his shoulder. He eyed you two up and down, finally examining the state you were in. Your hair was messed up, tangled on one side, your clothes were wrinkled, and you couldn't imagine how sweaty you must look.

"Wait..." He groaned. "Don't tell me you were going at it before this!"

Mike sheepishly scratched the back of his head, looking at a Sinclair family photo on the wall, and you just looked down, preferring to stare at your converse.

"All right, go, out!" Lucas pushed y'all forcefully out of the house. "I'll... figure something out. Finish what you started or whatever." And the door shut with a slam.

You slowly glanced up at Mike, not believing what just happened. "Shit, Y/N/N... We just got caught," he said, busting out into laughter, quickly followed by you.

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