Tape 7, side B

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•Beginning of Tape 13•

"Whether or not you knew about somebody, they knew about you. You are perfect, beautiful, witty, smart and popular. Boys want to kiss you. And girls, even older ones want to be you.

Julia Sanchez, you didn't think that I would forget about you now, did you?

You perfected the way you speak to others, and you don't interact much with anyone who would make you look bad.

Is that why you stopped coming to Monet's?

You are without fault. Well, at least you make everyone think that. But you didn't fool me.

The walls of your house are very thin, and one night, when I was walking home from Clay's house, who lives right across the street from you, I couldn't help but overhear the yells coming from your kitchen.

And then glass shattering.

You didn't see me, but I saw you, climbing out of your window with that black eye. That was the first time I ever saw you cry.

The next day I followed you into the bathroom during lunch."


Julias eyes shifted from her reflection in the mirror to the familiar voice. "Oh, hi." She offered a smile which didn't quite reach her eyes.

"I know we haven't talked in a while... But, um, I want you to know that I am here for you if you ever need to talk." Hannah said.

Julia let out a titter, "Um, thank you. What makes you say that?" She tried her hardest to not seem tense.

"I saw you yesterday."

It stayed quiet for a moment until Julia scoffed and shifted her gaze back to the mirror. "I didn't go out yesterday."

"Julia." Hannah said worriedly.

Julia fixed her appearance in the mirror before turning to her old friend, "Look Hannah, I don't need you to pity me. I think you have enough of your own problems to deal with, so stop worrying about mine."

Before either of the two could say anything, the toilet flushed and a girl which was on the JV cheer team had stepped out of the stall.

Julias body tensed up, she sends the girl a faint smile before grabbing her bag and leaving the bathroom.

𝐓𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐓- Justin FoleyWhere stories live. Discover now