A Home and a Family

19 1 4

AN: Final Chapter!! I hope you've enjoyed it.
Lyra Eades


'Okay 009, 006. On my signal you move, you understand?'

There was a pause and then from both comms came the reply.

'Yes Q.'

They had decided that the base for this mission would be at the kitchen table in their villa with Eve and Tanner on call from HQ.

'Okay, start to move to your agreed positions.'

They watched as the two teams slowly moved towards their starting positions. M stood over Q, leaning against the back of his chair so that they could both see. Everything was quiet, silent. Even the sea outside seemed quieter than normal. When both teams had confirmed they were in position. Q glanced up at M who nodded.

'On my count. 3.'

The moonlight gazed down upon the heads of 006 and his team as they sat poised in the sea ready to climb into the building above.


009's team peered around the vegetation that covered them. Eyes on the door, ready.


M took a deep breath.


006 swiftly scaled the wall, out of the water. Taking down one, then two men before they could alert others. 009 ran for the door ahead, followed by his team and on the count of three had knocked it down. Bofore anyone else could react they'd made their way up the corridor and began to find their way into the room full of machines.

There weren't many men and so they took it easily and began double checking the building, as well as disarming the machines.

Meanwhile 006 and his team continued to take out more men as they made their way  into their own building. It was the one with the boss in and so it had extra security, or so they thought.

When they reached the main room there was no boss in sight but they continued on with the rest of the mission and began to download and take photos of as much information as they could from the computers and files.

Back in the villa, Q looked up at M and was about to question where the boss was when there were shots from their back door. M grabbed Q and shoved him to the floor underneath him.

There was a pause in shots and a shout from outside.

'You know you really had us all fooled. Quinn and George Moore. Are those even your real names? Come out with your hands behind your heads and we can talk...and maybe I won't kill you.'

Q looked up at M who nodded and then helped him up off the floor. They slowly made their way outside towards the sea, placing their hands behind their heads as they moved.

'Well hello, it's lovely to meet the two who tried to take down my operation, however, you have failed.'

The boss was shorter than expected, bald but in Q's head looked very villain-like. Not that he'd say it out loud.

'I take it you're MI6 from your accents.'
'And I take that you're not from New Zealand from yours.'

Q blurted out before thinking.

'Quinn,' M hissed.
'It's alright.' the man replied. ' It's unusual to have someone so young in the business but I suppose he's perfect for missions like this and unlike other parents you get to keep an eye on him.'

Q had to restrain himself from laughing, and from the corner of his eyes he could see that so did M. They obviously hadn't worked out that they weren't actually related or that Q wasn't a child, however this could work in their favour. And hopefully M would cotton onto his plan.

'Are you going to kill us.''

Q whimpered whilst wiggling slightly closer to M. M looked at Q.

'No, no, come here son,' the boss gestured to Q, and he scurried towards the man, trying his best to look young, innocent and terrified.

'How old are you, kid.'
'Um,' Q glanced back at M.
'No don't look at him, it's okay kid, I won't hurt you.'
'I'm 16.'
'So your cover was partly true. I take it the schoolwork on the kitchen table isn't just for the cover either.'

Again Q nodded, good keep him talking to allow 009 and 006 to reach them.

'And is this your first mission.'
'Yeah, but I've been training for a few years now.'

Here, Q crossed his arms and then remembered he was supposed to be terrified.

'Please don't kill me and Dad, I'll be left on my own and I've already lost my mother. He's all I've got left.'

Q was slightly disgusted when the man's response was to bring Q into his arms, it didn't feel right, not like when M had hugged him on the mission.

Here M decided to help fuel the fire.

'Please let him go, he's just a boy-'
'A boy you deemed old enough to send into a mission.'
'I had no choice, you think I'm the head of MI6,' M pleaded, lying through his teeth, 'My superiors forced me to bring him. Please. I beg you, let him go.'

Q at this point was really struggling to contain his laughter. Where was their back up. There wasn't that much ground to cover.

'Boy, go say goodbye to your father. I'll allow you that much.'
'Thank you, thank you.'

M fell to his knees as Q ran towards him and as Q reached him, M whispered,


Shots fired all around them and though they weren't being shot at themselves M still held himself over Q.

Suddenly everything went silent and then someone coughed out, 'um Sir, Q. It's safe they're all, uh, dead.'

M lifted his body off of Q and then helped him up off the sand.

'Sirs, you should go into acting. We were all nearly in tears from your performance back there.'
'Shut up 006.'
'Sorry Q,' he replied, though he wasn't entirely sorry because you could hear the laughter in his voice.

'Come on, we've got to sort out this mess of an operation and make sure all the other guests can get home and that the area is taken care of. It's going to be a long night.'

And it was, they cleared the area up over night and then dealt with the guests in the morning. The guests had no clue that the reason the resort was closing was due to a counterfeiting scheme and not because a rare animal habitat had been spotted and this area was now closed to the public.

So the guests went home all piled onto a ferry to the mainland with promises of refunds for the amount of days they should have had left on their respective trips. And only when everyone else had gone were MI6 allowed to go as well.

Q and M both grabbed their suitcases from their villa and began to drag them to the MI6 plane that would be taking them home.

'Q. The plane journey home.' M coughed out, with slightly flushed cheeks. 'If you need me and or want some privacy, as the boss I get my own private room so you can come and hide with me if...'
'I'd like that a lot Sir, thank you,' Q interrupted and smiled at his boss.

Nobody commented on the fact that both M and Q weren't seen on the way back to England.

Nobody commented when a week later the alias' George and Quinn Moore became active for an evening with dinner reservations. Because those that knew could see the brighten in both M and Q's eyes the day after.

They could see that Q and M had both not only found a family in each other. But had also found a home.

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