Age Sensitive

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AN: Hi, hope you enjoy the story. It took me quite a while to write, though it is now completely finished. If you like it let me know. Feedback is always appreciated, whether good or bad. Though no hateful comments would be lovely. As I'm sure everyone is aware the James Bond Universe does not belong to me at all. Even so, thanks and happy reading.
Lyra Eades


'009 can you hear me?'

No response.

'Yes Q, I'm here, she's escaped in the tunnels and I'm not sure where she's gone.'
'It's fine 009, I'm tracking the number plate on the car and next time it comes up, we'll know where she is.'
'Q, she might ditch the car.'
'No, with its age and value, I don't think so. 009 there is a plane waiting for you at Auckland International. Wheels up in six hours.'
'Yes Q, see you for debrief at home.'

Q put down his headphones as 009 signed off and began to run a search for the car. He got up, made a cup of tea and soon the minutes began to turn.

Hours later when the night shift members of Q branch began to set up at their desks, he was thinking maybe, just maybe he should go home, and then it beeped. His screen lit up, alerting that the car had been spotted.

Q watched it aboard a ferry, 'going to...' he quickly typed on his keyboard, 'to Great Barrier Island?'

Going home didn't seem feasible any longer, and so Q set an alarm for the time the ferry docked the island and lay on his sofa to get at least an hours sleep.

He ended up losing the car a couple of times again, due to the remoteness of the island, but finally watched it reach its destination.

Barrier Resort. A family resort, must have at least one child with you for entry.

Well, that's going to be a slight set back, thought Q as he sent a message over to M, needing to meet tomorrow (or rather later in the day as it was now three in the morning) to discuss the next steps of the mission. How they were going to get in, he didn't know, but it could wait until he'd had at least four more hours sleep on his sofa.


'You found the car then.'

Q nodded as he showed M his late night discovery, 'I see your problem.'
'But how did she get in then.'
'She's on the youth committee, I believe the whole resort is a cover up for the entire operation.'
'Well, who do you suggest we send in to take down the whole thing.'
'That's the problem Sir, you need a child.'
'What about becoming an employee.'
'I've looked Sir, they'll definitely spot an agent from miles away on the staff.'

M looked baffled at the idea of finding a child. 'Have we got any younger looking agents, ones that could pass as teens.'
'But Sir, we'd don't just need an agent for a teen. We also need an agent who can pass as their a parent.'
'I see.'

He pushed a button on his desk and then called in Eve.

'Sir' she questioned as she shut the door to the office behind her.
'Eve, you know most of the employees at MI6 now, correct.'
'Yes Sir, I would. My role as your secretary definitely aides that.'
'We need some assistance with picking agents for this mission. You see it's age sensitive.'

She nodded and turned to Q for an explanation. He again began to give a rundown on the situation and the problem.

'Sir, M, you want my opinion, my honest opinion.'
'Yes, please.'
'Honestly I can't think of many who would pass off as a being related. But I can think of two...'

She paused looking between them both and that's when Q realised who she was referring to.

'No, nope. Nada. It will never work.'
'If you'd be so kind to clue me in Q.'

Q blinked, 'she's talking about you and me, Sir.'
'Me and you.'
'Yes you'd both be perfect, we know there isn't going to be much outside-communication once there and between you both, you have the skills to take down the entire counterfeit scheme.'
'Miss.Moneypenny can you really think of no one else.'
'No sir, I really believe the best option is to send you both in as father and son.'

M sighed, 'Well son, we better get started.'


Ta da! Hope you liked it. 🙃

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