Level Fun (In The Backrooms)

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It was unbelievably boring in a place where its supposed to be crazy. My legs didn't hurt as much as they did before but they still hurt. We walked and walked. I wonder if there will still be more people teleporting(?) in here. And soon enough, my question had been answered. We heard another thud and instead of going away from it, Pencil headed towards it. And we followed her. When we reached the place we heard the thud from, Pencil's face lit up.
"MATCH!" Pencil squealed. I rounded the corner to see Pencil hugging Match.
"Pence-Pence! Its, like, so great to, like, see you," Match looked around and frowned a bit.
"Where, like, are we Pence-Pence? Also why are, like, they here?" Pencil let go of Match.
"I'll explain it to you once we start moving," Pencil led the group once more.

After Pencil explained to Match what was going on, it was silent again.
"Alright! That's it! This is boring I'm leading!" Liy said after a while. Liy ran forward in front of Pencil.
"Liy!" Pencil chased after her. I followed the others to follow Pencil and Liy. The next thing I saw was Liy looking at a section where its yellow (though different from the other yellow) wallpaper and has red carpet. It had balloons and cakes and looked really fun.
"Looks like I've found my next adventure!" Liy happily screamed as she ran into the section and disappeared. Pencil sighed. She took out her phone and started searching through it.
"Level fun," Pencil read out, "Habitat of the Partygoer which is one of the most dangerous entities..." Pencil trailed off.

"Alright! I want half of us in there and half of us to guard. Bracelety, 8-Ball, Stapy and Leafy are coming with me in there. Match, I want you to be the leader of the rest," Pencil smiled at her best friend. We headed in there and it looked like the section except without the cake and balloon. Even though Pencil said that it was the habitat of the Partygoers, there were none that we could see. We walked and walked. It was like the other level we were on except less people and more dangerous. A few minutes pass by and I decide to think of Ice Cube. Again. I just follow them but I'm not paying attention to what they say or do.

"Bracelety! Are you listening?!" Pencil screams at me. I wake up from my day dream.
"UHm... sorry Pencil! I-I was just thinking about-" I stutter out the words,
"Let me guess... Ice Cube? You always, ALWAYS, talk about her or think about her. Yet, you've never interacted with her! She never ever mentions you and never talks about you or has even talked to you! SO, would you shut up about her!?" Pencil rants. I feel like I'm about to cry. We continue moving and I try to hide my sobs. I get sympathetic looks from time to time. Even Pencil looks like she regrets it.

"Wow! That was such a big fight! That's no fun! =)" a thing comes from a corridor in front of us. It has leather like skin. It looks humanoid but looks like it has a paper bag for a head. Its yellow and has this red, liquidly face that is a smile. We back up a bit. I guess this is a Partygoer.
"Why so worried? We just want you to join the party! =)" says the Partygoer. Multiple Partygoers come out of the walls and we're surrounded.
"Party Host says they're gonna join the party!" says one of them. Suddenly, one of them falls onto the ground face first. Liy is on top of them.
"Hah! You aren't gonna get me that easily!" Liy laughs.
"Liy! There you are! We need to find an exit, fast!" Pencil runs towards Liy, grabs her and then kicks another Partygoer. She runs but stops and looks back.
"What are you doing!? Come on!" we all follow Pencil. I'm not sure what happens next because my eyes are closed but we're suddenly back on Level 0.

I look at everyone. But I see someone else. A boy with brown hair and fire shirt. He seemed... very small for some reason.
"MORE idiots!? Can this get any worse!?" he says. Leafy looks surprised.
"Firey Jr!?" Leafy says, surprised. It's weird. She knows anyone can get teleported into these Backrooms but she is surprised Firey Jr is here.
"Yea, it's me. Also don't try anything. I can talk to my brother about it and he would be mad at you even more for hurting his little brother," Firey Jr teased Leafy. Leafy looked sad and mad.
"I... i-is Firey ok?" she asked randomly. Firey Jr crossed his arms.
"Yeah. He's fine. In fact, he's practically overjoyed that your gone. He hates you and hopes that you never come back. But... it seems like he won't see me either..." Firey Jr's laugh turned into a sad, quiet whisper. Leafy frowned and looked sorry for him. But she is always sorry for people. It's like it's her job to be nice because she always does it.
"Your screaming is going to the attention of the creature," ("What creature!?" Firey Jr asked,) "so, lets get moving," Pencil said blankly. 

We all followed her and walked. Soon, we rested. As always.
"How about we do some homework?" Leafy asked on one of our breaks,
"Wait, what? You have it?" Liy looked at Leafy,
"Yea, I always try to be on top of things, so I bring my homework mostly wherever I go," Leafy pulled out the homework from her bag.
"But we don't NEED to do it," sighed Firey Jr. Leafy frowned.
"The teachers would be mad," Leafy took out a pencil case.
"Their not THAT bad," Stapy says.
"Well I for one don't want to get in trouble. Five and Eight would shout at us and give us a lecture. Seven MIGHT tell X and they might tell Four or Seven would just give us detention. Six will just shout in our face or kick us. Nine and Ten are good though," Leafy started. I decided to do it too. I don't like screaming or lectures or kicks or detention. We weren't able to do much because Pencil made us walk. As usual.

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