Tired (In The Backrooms)

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Pencil and Leafy started running. But I didn't. Instead, I headed towards the noise. I saw a girl. She turned to me. I smiled. Pencil and Leafy came to me and looked where I was looking.
"Hi, Liy," Leafy greeted. Liy looked confused, I couldn't blame her.
"Where are we?" Liy looked around,
"The Backrooms, let's get moving," Pencil left, expecting us to follow and so we did.
"Their dropping like flies," Pencil muttered to herself,
"Alright, the wiki says we need to continue moving right," Pencil orders,
"Wiki???" Liy was very confused.
"We're in this place called The Backrooms like I said before. This place is supposedly made up but we're here anyways. It originated on the internet and its become a very big thing. Since its a big thing, there is a wiki about it. It has a bunch of the levels and stuff. We're on level 0 and it gets crazier the more levels we traverse but I hope that there is an exit in this level," Pencil explained. Liy thought about this information.
"But why do we need to keep moving?" Liy asked our 'leader',
"There is an entity called bacteria and it will kill us. It will hear us if you don't keep quiet!" Pencil whisper-shouted.

I frowned. Pencil was mean sometimes but she could also be a good leader. I know this because Ice Cube is in this club called Freesmart and Pencil is the leader. I guess Book or Ice Cube is the leader now because they are alternates, if someone is missing or not present then alternates will take their place. I wish I was apart of that club, so I could be with Ice Cube more often! I smiled again at the thought. Smiling is fun. I do it often.

I looked at everyone. I saw that Leafy seemed sad.
"Hey, Leafy! What's wrong?" I whispered. Leafy turned to look at me.
"I-it's just that... Firey. He still hasn't forgiven me for... stealing... a-anyways! I'm sad because he won't forgive me and if I don't get out of here... well... he can never forgive me because I won't be there and..." Leafy trailed off,
"Well, I want to see Ice Cube again! And we just have to hope we'll get out! When I'm sad I usually smile! It helps!" I suggested. She smiled and I smiled back at her.
"Thanks Bracelety! Your right, it does help," Leafy thanked.

~Time Skip~

It felt like we had been walking for hours. It probably had been hours, I don't know.
"Can we rest?" Liy groaned for the 4th time in a row,
"No! We have to keep moving!" Pencil insisted,
"But Pencil! We've been walking for hours! We can't keep going like this! Admit it, you tired too. We don't want to rest. We need to," Leafy persuaded convincingly,
"Alright, fine! We'll rest," Pencil said. We stopped and sat down but I lay down. I felt so tired. My legs were so tired. I'm glad Leafy persuaded Pencil to let us rest.
"It heard us," Pencil suddenly said,
"Get up!" Pencil ordered. We obeyed. Leafy knew what was going on but me and Liy were confused. After we started running (all our legs still aching), I heard a roar. As we turned a corner, I looked back and saw a black goop thing. It didn't look like it was moving though. I looked in front of me to follow the group and then looked back. It was closer.

As I was looking back, I tripped on something. I tripped on Liy's shoes. We both fell to the ground. The monster. It was in front of us. About to grab us when Liy kicked it's... feet? I don't know but it fell. We got up and kept running.
"I think we lost it! Now can we rest, again?" Liy said after a while,
"Fine," Pencil replied. Liy pushed her long, brown hair out her face and lay down. I flopped onto the ground. Leafy and Pencil sat down like normal people.

~Time Skip~

"Bracelety, wake up," I heard someone say. I guess I must've dosed off. I opened my eyes to find Liy's blue eyes. Liy moved out of the way and I stood up. I looked around. Everyone was already up.
"We heard a noise, we need to get moving," Pencil explained to me,
"But what if its another person?" I asked, whispering,
"I doubt that multiple thudding noised would be-" Pencil stopped. We heard voices.

"I think I heard some voices over there," a monotone voice said,
"Maybe they know where we are," another person exclaimed. Then there was some beeping.
"Aw, seriously!" someone else said,
"I just wanna get out of here, my fanbase will wonder where I am!" a wheezy voice groaned,
"I don't hear them anymore," said the monotone voice,
"They probably heard us and got scared," said the voice from before.

"They seem... safe," Leafy said as she wandered over to where the voices were coming from.
"Leafy! I didn't know you were here too!" one of the voices said. Leafy gasped.
"Stapy! Loser! David! Roboty! 8-Ball! Good to see you!," I heard Leafy say. She turned back to us and behind her followed a bunch of boys. Pencil flinched.
"I thought only girls came here..." I heard Pencil mutter.

We told the boys everything we knew so far and decided to continue moving. We ended up resting again soon after though. I missed home. It was where I could see Ice Cube and learn stuff and look at Ice Cube. While we resting, I decided to write in my book. I wrote in it like a diary but didn't necessarily call it that. I just didn't know what to do. It was actually pretty boring here in the Backrooms. I remember on that website Pencil showed me that there were different levels. I also remember it saying that there is an organization called the M.E.G which stands for Major Exploring Group. Maybe they would find us and bring us home! After a while of writing and drawing, I decided to sleep. I would need the energy soon because Pencil will make us walk again.


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