Month 4

83 4 0

Ugh, Nathalie leaned back in her chair, are you ok Nath? Yes I'm fine just tired, ok just remember if you need a break go ahead, Thank you Gabriel but I'm alright.

If you say so, suddenly Adrian swung the door open, Nathalie almost jumped out of her chair when Adrian entered, Father! Oh sorry mom I didn't mean to scare you.

It's ok Adrian I'm fine, what is it Adrian? Can I go out with Mari to the movies? Oh of course you can Adrian, wait really!? Yes me and Nathalie were discussing about getting ice cream.

Oh can me and Marinette join you after the movie? Sure we can meet at Andre's cart, thank you Father thank you Mom.

Adrian ran up to his room so he could get ready to meet with Marinette, after the movie they all met up at Andre's cart.

Thank you Andre for the ice cream, no problem Mrs.Sancoeur, let's go sit down my back hurts Nathalie started walking into the park.

The others followed not long after to find a bench, ugh, Natalie grumbled as some of the pressure was relieved from her back.

You ok mom? Yes yes I'm fine my back just hurts, why does your back hurt Mrs.Nathalie? Call me Nathalie and the baby's gaining weight so it's putting pressure on my back.

Natalie's illness Where stories live. Discover now