A New Hope S3 Ep15

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3rd Pov

Not very long ago at all  . . .

In space there was a ship the color of that ship was white then another ship started flying up to it the color was black

Inside the white colored ship a alarm was going off and soldiers were running down a hall with guns then they stopped at a door and aimed at it

Then a sword went through the other side and cut open the door and the door opened and a guy in a black suit and mask

Fire! Someone yelled and they started firing but the guy just blocked everything with the sword

The guy was killing everyone and they the princess of the place looked from behind the corner and saw everyone and the guy

Oh, crap. Princess Elizabeth said then the guy in the suit looked at her and she ran

She went to find her android sister

Josie! Lizzie said

We're still tripping, aren't we? Josie asked

As much as I'd love to debate the nature of our current reality, we need to get out of here. Lord marshall is coming for our asses. Lizzie said

Who's lord marshall? Josie asked

The leader of the Galactic Dominion. So what's the fastest way off of this stupid space Coffin? Lizzie asked

How should I know? Josie asked

You clearly haven't looked in the mirror recently, cause you're some sort of android. So access your memory banks, or whatever, and find an escape pod. Lizzie said

Yeah, I'll get right on that. Josie said and her eyes glowed blue

Escape pod 94, fueled and ready. Wait. What? Josie said

Okay, let's go, lamébrain. Lizzie said


They landed on a planet and a person saw them land and crash

At least we learned something. Your clearly not programmed to fly. Lizzie said

I still got us here in one piece, which is no small feat, since I am a service model! I think. Josie said

Then you're not of much service, are you? Lizzy said and Josie's eyes turned red

I'm sorry, your highness. Josie said

You're a princess. Princess Elizabeth saltzstar, and I'm J-O513, your android sister...and personal valet? Josie said

Wait, if we're sisters in this world, why am I not a princess, too?! Josie yelled

Who knows? Maybe that's just how you see yourself. Lizzie said nodding then they heard a weapon

Don't make another move. That salvage is mine. Wait. The person said then took the stuff of their face and it was Hope

Why the hell did I just say that? We're still tripping, aren't we? Hope asked them and the twins nodded

I have a bad feeling about this. Hope said


Let's review our problem. The last thing I remember is that we were all pandas. Now we're here, so I'm assuming that this is some sort of shared hallucination. Hope said

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