Part 7 - A Wonderful Night in LA

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The Night She-Hulk Attacked.

Her growls echoed throughout the establishment. The roar of the savage She-Hulk set everyone off. Then they all stormed outside.

Jen's friends and family gathered there--- concerned for Jennifer.

Back at that time. She-Hulk stood alone onstage infront of a damaged screen.

When people were running away. She spotted a group that wore black, and with ski masks to conceal their identities. They held phones and were recording.

Jen had no doubt that these guys were behind all this.

They ran off like all the people, but one of them stayed there. Strangely, this one was without fear.

This one just stood and stared at She-Hulk from afar. He looked to be satisfied.
As if he was teasing, bullying her that he did this.

He ran off as well once She-Hulk spotted them and chased him.

Once they were outside. She caught him. She brok through a wall and grabbed him as he got out of the exit doors.

The man could witness the growls of She-Hulk up close and personal. Right in his face.

He was that close to being dead. But for him. This was good. Helluva' time of a plan, and it's been done. This one had provoked She-Hulk.

As Jennifer growled and roared into his face.
She could kill him right now. But he cared not if she did. The guy had a wide smile across his face, as he quietly laughed. In pleasure of bringing pain to Jennifer.

"Jen! No!" He heard various from Jen's friends and family.

The man smiled under his mask as he stared up the individual that held him up. Due to the lone fact that he had filled her with rage. He'd kill to bully more people.

When he was let go, he ran back and disappeared into the crowd. Then through the crowd he packed back in with the rest of Intelligencia.

"That was--" he laughed. "GREAT!" he cheered enthusiastically, and in glee at the sheer experience of evoking a superhero.

"I thought you were gonna be a goner, Boss." one of them said. They all got into one of their vans and fled the scene.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were in kahoots with Damage Control." said Josh, the integral obtainer of Jen's blood. He sat at the back of the van, being among the masked cons.

"I called them. Pretty useful hotline." The boss said. "Just a minute tops and they got here already. Crazy world, after all."

"That was the shit!" Todd appeared at the back. He's joined in with them too.

"I told you my editing chops were peak." Todd said.

"Yeah, no one gives a shit." The boss plainly said. Todd back there went quiet upon hearing.

"How was boning the She-Hulk? And how exactly did you convince her high school friend to fake a wedding just for the meet?" The boss asked.

"Don't talk to me about boning anyone, Trask. Look, she clearly couldn't afford one. Woman was broke, so that wedding was all me." Josh said.

"Gladly." Trask tilted his head and squinted. "Y'know, I really wouldn't mind having one of those chihuahua things sometime." He said.

"Here we are now. She-Hulk is being taken into custody, and once Mallory Brooks gets her out---which she will. That lawyer is VERY good," despite his cruelty, he had some respect for people like Mallory. Although, only in expertise.

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