2. Push-Up's For Protein

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The next morning, I'm woken up by Erin squealing.

"Ew! You farted on my leg! You grot!" she tells Eden.

"Dude, that's nasty, you trying to Dutch-oven her is bad enough, but not on her leg!" I call over to Eden as I roll onto my other side, making a few people laugh.

"What's going on?" Justin mumbles sleepily from his place snuggled into my boobs.

"Eden's a grot," I tell him.

"We already knew that, his farts are the worst," he yawns, making a bunch of us laugh. He snuggles back into my boobs and sighs happily with a smile, making me and a few of the girls 'aw'.

Some of the boys gesture that he's whipped, and he just shrugs.

"Not ashamed to admit it, you would be too!" he tells them, sitting up and leaning against the headboard, pulling me to snuggle against his chest, which I don't resist in the slightest.

"Lily's only been here one night and you are already putting us to shame!" Millie exclaims with a yawn.

"Yeah but they already know each other and had feels, so they had a leg up as soon as she entered," Tayla reminds her.

"If you're jealous Millie, just say that," Justin jokes, and she pokes her tongue out in response.

We slowly decide to get out of bed, making it together straight away so it looks nice and neat, and head upstairs to freshen up. I'm finished before Justin, so I head down and make us coffee's and once they're ready I hand his over, giving him a quick kiss and he moves to make breakfast, knowing I won't eat for a bit. I wander over to Josh and Eden sitting in the blue chairs on the other side of the pool on the turf, plonking down in front of them on the grass.

"I did not see that twist coming last night at all! Did you?" Eden asks Josh.

"Not one bit, mate. Even when we thought it was a double dumping, didn't spot that from a mile away. When Lily walked in, I thought we all had must've been on an acid trip, cos it didn't feel real," he says.

"I don't know what acid trips you've been on before, Josh, but nice to know they look like me," I wink playfully making them laugh.

"What is that accent I'm hearing?" Eden asks me.

"Irish, grew up there till I was about 12, then my family moved over here. Never picked up the Aussie twang though, the Irish stuck too well," I tell them.

"It's kinda subtle too, it sounds more British unless you're really paying attention," Josh says.

"It does, I've been told I sound more elegant compared even to my parents and brother, they've been told they sound borderline Scottish sometimes, especially when they get heated," I tell them.

"You two are the first I'm telling this, okay? I don't know why but you have a very warm, inviting vibe, like I could trust you with anything," Eden says, making me blush lightly at the complement.

"I agree, very motherly or big sisterly in a way," Josh agrees.

"But back on track, me and Erin got so close last night," Eden tells us.

"Half the time, you two seem like you're about to fuse together into a mutant, so that doesn't surprise me," I snicker into my coffee, causing Josh to choke on his water before laughing with me.

"Hush you!" Eden chuckles.

"Say the big three words?" I ask, and he nods.

"Congrats mate!" we both tell him with smiles, happy for him.

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