Intermission 1

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The Host sighed. "Okay, the war Qrow had fought in was the first war to be televised to the public eye." He said turning to the Audience. "At some point, the White Fang began to use suicide bombing tactics. When they ran out of expendable grunts, they turned to children and convinced them to become suicide bombs. Qrow and other soldiers made tough calls when they came across them. It was either shoot them or let them succeed their mission." Blake looked at the Host with wide eyes upon hearing that. Working with a criminal like Roman Torchwick and stealing enough Dust for an army was one thing but to hear that they began using children as bombs was more horrifying to think.

"And that is what made the public loose interest in winning the war and the Council pulled their troops back from Menagerie. When the soldiers came back to their Kingdoms though, they were greeted by protesters that called them "baby killers" among other things." The Host continued. "Almost all veterans were treated with disrespect." He rubbed his head for a moment. 

"And they have nightmares about what they saw?" Ruby asked.

The Host nodded. "PTSD. Post Traumatic Syndrome. It wasn't well known then so not even the soldiers themselves knew about it."

Winter nodded. "Even professional Huntsmen experience it." she glances over at Qrow who was further from them than before. "Eventually, something goes wrong, or they see something they can't un-see. It sticks to them for the rest of their days. Many of them need help but they don't choose to seek it and. . . it ruins them."

As much as they don't get along, Winter knew Qrow was a damn good Huntsman. And he clearly had signs of PTSD or other signs that were a call for help, but he had tried to bury them and say that he was fine, and most people believed him. The last viewing had just reminded opened her eyes to what Qrow may be hiding.

"Yes, it does." The Host agreed with a solemn nod. He typed on his phone and a couple of doors appeared on the right of the Audience. "While I show Cinder and her team the first viewing, the rest of you can take breaks. Bathroom breaks, water breaks, whatever."

Most of the Audience wished the newcomers good luck as they left the theater room. The Host clapped his hands together, "So, you guys' fans of serial killers?" he asked with a grin.

Thirty minutes later. . .

Remind me to thank the guy for making a bar, Qrow thought to himself. It wasn't even an hour and Qrow was already drinking. The last viewing had brought up some bitter (And that's putting it mildly.) memories.

As he raised a glass to his lips, he sensed a presence behind him. He sighed deeply before putting on a grin as he turned around. "Well, if it isn't the Ice Queen?" he asked. "Didn't think you would be here."

"I was passing by," Winter replied. She glanced at the glasses next to Qrow. "No one should drink alone, Qrow."

"Huh, didn't think you were a drinker," Qrow retorted. "Did Ol' Ironwood put you up to this?"

"One beer. That's it. And no, I was literally passing by." Winter said as she sat next to the veteran Huntsman. She grabbed a small bottle of Atlassian beer and poured it in a glass. 

Meanwhile Ruby and Nora had ran into the snack bar and began to well, grab everything. Their respective teams walked in on them when they were walking to the door with numerous snacks in their arms.

Oscar looked around his surroundings as he walked in the hallway. He then saw a sign that said "Library."

"Ooh!" The farm boy exclaimed intrigued, and he opened the door before walking in. His eyes widened as he saw how massive the library really was.

"Wow." He whispered before he began walking around.

The Host was looking at his phone as the viewing was ending and decided to bring in more guests.

"Everyone, welcome Team CFVY, Neo and Roman Torchwick." He said as said senior team and two criminals appeared.

"Oh great, it's the brats." Roman said in annoyance.

"Um, hi?" Velvet Scarlatina said nervously with a wave while Fox Allistair and Yatsuhashi Daichi bowed in greeting while Coco Adel lowered her glasses briefly. "Nice place," she commented.

"Thanks," The Host replied with a nod before turning to the adults. "Now, no attacking Roman or Neo. I don't care if they're criminals and responsible for the Breach. No. Fighting. Got it?" He said firmly more to Glynda and Ironwood than Ozpin.

The two adults glared at the criminals before settling down.

"Now, let's get back to viewing-" The Host paused. "Wait a minute, where's Oscar?"

"Better question, who's Oscar?" Coco asked.

"I'll do you one better, why is Oscar?" Roman asked getting weird looks in return.

"Why isn't anyone asking how is Oscar?" The Host snapped.

Ozpin cleared his throat. "I believe he went into the library." 

"Did he take a map?" The Host asked in reply.

"You need a map?" Qrow asked, sitting next to Winter. The Host nodded as he walked toward the door. "You need a damn GPS for the thing." He remarked as he opened the door. "OSCAR PINE!" He shouted, his call echoing through the room.

"That's a lot of books," Yang said simply. 

The Host sighed and pointed his phone at the screen. "Well, we're not starting without him. So, newcomers watch the last two viewings. Everyone else, you're with me." 

With that he and the Audience walked into the library. Which looked to be big as a city.

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