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woah this is a little awkward. hey guys I'm back but idk for how long I'm sorry for all the inconsistencies and just overall horrible writing. I reread my story and I just have an urge to rewrite everything and maybe even delete but then I read when I said I wouldn't delete it so that option is off the table. I'm sorry for everything and thank you all for still supporting and reading my story <3!
Ok now onto the story itself. I was thinking of having Andrew as a best friend and maybe have feelings for her but hides them? but tell me what y'all think. And maybe having him go to another place besides Karasuno yknow? Idk I just want to spice up the story I feel like it's really generic and bleh. I would put y/n in another school but I feel like I don't know that much about the other schools. It's been at least half a year since I last watched haikyuu so I'm going to rewatch so the story can become more canon. It was so fanon in the beginning and it's killing me. I'm probably going to change that one day but it's not gonna be today or tomorrow.
Again I might put Andrew in another school and then occasionally flip to his perspective just to see what the others are doing. Another thought was to make y/n go to different schools as a photographer but being mainly tied down to karasuno. Like the main people she takes photos of would be karasuno but if it's a scrimmage that's not against karasuno and other teams want her she will go with them. Does that make sense? I kinda want to do this but then I feel like this is straying too far away from the show and people would Gert confused abs might think that a scenario I made up actually happened in the show when it didn't
Idk tell me what you guys think but in the next chapter I'm going to have Andrew be the best friend with a little romantic feelings for y/n and y/n is only going to Karasuno and Andrew is also going to karasuno.
Again thank you guys for the support and I love love love you!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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