pull yourself together

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Christmas Day was only a few days away and y/n's state had only gotten worse. She woke up from her 2 hours of sleep and just laid there as she did many times before. Not long after did her parents knock on her door. "Hey Andrews here." Her mom said through the door. She laid there not wanting to get up. "Hey. Andrew is here. Say hi." y/n's mother said in a voice that was stern yet sickly sweet. This sent shivers down y/n's back and she got goosebumps all over her body.
She sat upright and got out of bed making sure her mother heard the sheets moving to indicate her getting out of bed. She heard her mother walk away and sighed. 'Why is he here?' Y/n wondered and left her room and went downstairs.

Y/n went downstairs and saw the family's friend son sitting there on the couch. He dyed his hair again so the top was a dark green and the bottom turned a dark blue. He was about 5'10 and annoying as shit. But was always there for y/n so she could never hate him.

"Hey y/n! Uhm uh- Come here I saw the funniest thing ever just now HAHA!!" Andrew pulled you down next to him and put your heads next to each other. "Andrew what do you want? And why are you.." You stopped as you saw a picture of yourself but it was a screenshot of a facetime. You went pale and saw that it was none other than Kenma who had posted it. "How-" you started but Andrew cut you off. "I KNOW HOW DID THEY DO IT?!" He laughed one of the most robotic laughs you ever heard. "Shut your yaps... your mom is listening."

Andrew always said the weirdest thing and is always saying the weirdest things in awkward phrases but you have to just learn to accept it. He kept scrolling and your jaw dropped to the ground as you saw more of the boys posted you and all of the captions said 'find him ;)' You were about to faint when Andrew said "Hey do you still have my hat? Do you? Imma go get it." And darted upstairs. You sat there stunned as to what's happening and then Andrew ran back downstairs and yanked you running up the stairs talking very fast "YOUR ROOMS A MESS HAHAHA YOU FIND IT FOR ME K? THANKS!" He slammed the door behind him and started to whisper yell at you " hey squeakie what the fuck is happening?! You stop texting me and I find out you got your phone taken away cus of BAD GRADES?!  YOUR GRADES ARE NEVER BAD! AND WHO THE FUCK ARE THOSE BOYS POSTING YOU AND EXPLAIN THE 'HIM' PART WHILE YOUR AT IT EH?!

You could barely process anything that he just said and stared blankly at him. You didn't know where to even begin. You started to think about how things have changed and didn't want to talk to anyone. "H-hey- Are you ok? You can talk to me" he gave you a weak smile. You began to feel guilty for leaving his life so abruptly and now he has to see you in this state. You started to tell him and by the end your eyes were so puffy and you went through a whole tissue box from crying.

"Y'know ion know what I was expecting but I thought it'd be bigger." Andrew said cluelessly "What did you expect?" "You were abducted by aliens and they replace you and that is why your grades dropped so badly because it isn't really you. Or the government took you. Either way you got stolen." "Gee thanks pal" "Here use my phone to talk to them." "I don't know if I can talk to them, I mean how the fuck did they get the city I live in right? Maybe they're bad..."

"I have no clue whether that is true or not but they seem worried. Especially after they posted you." Y/n sighed and covered her face with her hands and after a while she decided to text them.


hey yall: BooBies

cherries :}: who tf 😯

oh yea its me y/n: BooBies

sorry lol: BooBies

Fuck it.   Haikyuu Chatfic x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now