The Captain and the Feisty Goblin

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It was a calm night on the vast sea, the waves gently rippled and splashed against the ship's sides, the starry sky was clear from any clouds and there was happiness in the air.
Captain Jason and his crew had been celebrating their latest successes ever since the sun had gone down, they'd been extremely lucky with raids that day; a goblin ship, everyone knew how goblins tended to have lots of riches with them, and today's raid was just proof of that. The captain had ordered his men to take all they could from that ship and they did just that, catching the goblins by surprise and stealing several bags of gold and other precious gems from them with ease. Goblins usually weren't much of a fight, they're tiny, and can be vicious sometimes, but if you catch them off guard they're truly an easy battle... all but one actually. In fact, during the raid, one little goblin in particular had given them a very hard time, they were feisty and fought with all their might to protect the ship's treasure, but it was all in vain in the end. However... Captain Jason saw something in that goblin, so instead of letting them escape, he ordered his men to capture them and bring them on the ship.

This goblin's name was Leaf, they might have been considered cute by most, but anyone who'd battled against them knew way too well just how feral they could get. They weren't scared to play dirty and fought with that kind of unpredictable recklessness that only wild animals usually had; it had taken six of the captain's men to keep them still, and even then, it wasn't without struggles as they'd tried to break free at every chance they got, even when they were bringing them onto the captain's ship, they'd leapt forward and nearly bit off a pirate's face, before being neutralized by a firm hit to the back of their neck.
After a few hours, Leaf had woken up inside a dimly lit bedroom, tied up to a chair... a human-sized chair, which meant they were much too short to touch the floor with their feet, they couldn't do anything aside from struggling and trying to break free, but their kidnappers were men of the sea, if there was a thing they knew how to do, was tying up stuff with unbreakable knots.

Eventually, they gave up on trying to escape, and instead focused on what was going on outside of that room... they could hear music and chanting and laughing, a celebration of victory no doubt, and one that made their blood boil at that, until suddenly, a man entered the room, locking the door behind him.
He was tall, nearly twice as tall as the small goblin actually, he wore a big flowy coat and a cocked hat, he took both those things off and hanged them on a hook, right next to the doorframe, revealing his physique. He was quite large, especially around his middle, with his belly sticking out over his belt, his blouse looking snug after a night of feasting; the goblin widened their eyes at that lucious sight, and they were extremely thankful the room wasn't lit up enough to let anyone see the faint blush on their cheeks in that moment. Leaf's eyes moved up to the pirate's face, which was pretty round as well and framed by a dark, fuzzy beard. He turned around completely, making eye contact with the goblin, who at that point growled, furrowing their bushy eyebrows.

The captain chuckled at that reaction "Awake already, huh? And here I thought you'd stay knocked out overnight, you must be pretty strong if one of my hits only got you sleeping for a few hours" he said, his voice deep, slightly gruff and suave enough to make anyone swoon at its melody.

Leaf scoffed "I would'a rather slept through the night than being awoken by yer men makin' all this noise" they said; they would've crossed their arms, but they were currently locked behind them due to the ropes. "Why did ya take me anyway? Are ya gonna sell me? I'm warnin' ya, goblins don't fetch no pretty penny at the slave market, too many o' them already, just like humans" they growled.

"No such thing..." the man replied, keeping his cool "Actually... your prowess, your fire... they could be a perfect addition to my crew"

"HAH! Ya think after all y'all have done I'm gonna be part o' this crew?! Don't make me laugh!" they spat, smirking and showing their pointy teeth in the process. "I don't take no orders from a human!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2022 ⏰

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