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There was something to be said about the rigid discipline his upbringing had forced upon him. His face held the impassive control that was his signature, his posture keeping true to the strict elegance drummed into him from birth. Even his stillness gave nothing away.

Inside he was a seething mass of rage. A volcano about to erupt at the merest hint of a disturbance. His veins boiled, his muscles tensing despite the relaxed air he portrayed.

None of the people in the room with him was fooled.

The scent of their fear was like a call that lured him to violence, enticed him. It was like nectar to a long-starved god. An offering so sublime he wanted nothing more than to bask in it, to give in to their supplication.

"One thing to keep in mind doctor," he drawled at the female he'd met earlier. "Is never to show fear in the presence of a predator."

She'd found out that he was a shifter after he'd lost control on his mother for causing Cressida's panic attack. He wasn't just talking to her though. Even the shifters in the room were reeking of fear when they should know better.

The female winced, the scent of her fear becoming more pronounced and the other shifters became restless. Their eyes took on the sheen that showed that they were a hair's breadth from losing control. 

"I..I'm sorry..." she stammered then her sixth sense seemed to kick in and she froze. Her gaze widened as she took in the males she was with. She swallowed hard and took a half step back. A mistake when in the presence of their dangerous race. Her fearful gaze sought his in that instinctive plea for protection.

"Leave me," he commanded of the shifters, his gaze holding the doctor's captive.

Needing to calm himself Jasper had only tolerated their company to give him time before he confronted his mother. Now he felt obligated to ease the woman before she lost her mind to the shocks she'd just been dealt. His mate still needed her care after all.

"Please sit doctor," he invited her and like someone in a fear trance, she stumbled into the chair that was before him.

Jasper had taken over the hospital director's office to deal with things but all the time he was just waiting for his mate to wake up. He hated that she'd had to be sedated, could still picture the terror that had been on her face. Was that what she'd felt when Sophia had attacked her?

All he wanted was to protect her. Yet it seemed even his mother was hell-bent to be against him.

Any other time he would've been considerate of the woman's needs but he couldn't muster the patience for it. His words to the doctor were therefore rather blunt. "You're an intelligent woman." he started off. "So I'm sure you have reasoned that it will not be in your best interest to reveal the existence of shifters."

"Yes," she agreed as she shifted in her chair slightly.

"Our people are generally wealthy," he continued. "We fund political players and some of us hold high-ranking positions so we will ensure your reputation is ruined should you think to expose us."

Once more her eyes widened and she swallowed hard. Jasper could hear the drumming of her heart and the scent of her fear was overwhelming. Yet she remained outwardly calm. "I understand."

"Good," he gave her a slight nod. "Everyone I have talked with tells me you're an exceptional doctor so I'd hate to have to destroy your livelihood." He met her eyes with an adamant look in his. "As distasteful as I find it, I will not hesitate to ensure you are never entrusted with any form of healthcare should you cross us. I am responsible for thousands of lives and their care is my first priority."

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