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He watched the city passing beneath him from his window with mixed emotions. He hadn't been back in five years, had held himself back from being this close to her. Even coming back to the states the few times he had had been more than he could take. Now here he was.

His nails bit into his palm as he fought to hold back the consuming anger that raged inside him. Anyone who saw him would think he was calm and controlled. The controlled part was true enough but the people around him had no idea he was a seething mass.

"I understand you didn't want to be betrothed to Sophia but this is unacceptable." His mother stated.

He kept a calm look on his face, doing his best to appear unaffected. "I'm not discussing this with you." He stated evenly.

"The D'Alessi family is very influential," his father put in. "We cannot afford to offend them and yet that is what you have done. We need to do some damage control."

"Of course father." He agreed. He fully intended to do some damage control but not for the sake of Sophia D'Alessi. She'd dared to touch his Cressida when he'd vowed she remain untouched by their vile world. 

Sophia had broken a promise he'd made. When Jasper was done with her, she'd be a broken irreparable mess. How dare she even think she was worthy of even being in the same room with Cressida? To believe she had the right to fire her and mar her exquisite beauty?

He closed his eyes, bringing to mind the sight of her lying beside him, her hair mussed by his fingers and a contented little smile on her lips. She had the most beautiful lips he'd ever seen, sculpted and full. Their taste was still so clear in his mind even after five years. And the feel of her satin skin against his hands. The memory of having her body caress against his as he lost himself within her sweet core.

His jaw clenched even as his heart ached at the knowledge she was forever lost to him. He should've dealt with Sophia years ago, then this wouldn't have happened. She'd have known her place, known she'd never compare to a single hair on Cressida's head.

He'd seen the video of the attack. Seen Sophia's gang of vipers circle his innocent love while she looked on in fear. They'd all pay for that, even the ones who'd merely watched.

The plane landed on the private strip on the Minor's property, as he disembarked Jasper saw that the general manager of the Minor and his two upper-level managers were waiting for him. Including the one that had worked last night when Cressida was attacked.

The general manager took a step forward as Jasper reached the tarmac. "Your highness..." he started to say.

"Where's Ms Álvarez?" He cut the man off with his demand.

"The plastic surgeon informed me that her surgery was a success." The male informed him.

"What are the chances of scarring?"

"It's too early to say your highness but Dr Winston seems hopeful."

"That's not good enough," Jasper stated. "Set an appointment with him in an hour's time."

"Right away."

Jasper could feel the waves of disapproval coming from his parents as they made their regal way down the stairs. He didn't care, all that mattered was that Cressida came out with her flawless beauty as it always had been. If not, he'd personally see to it that Sophia would never appear in public without a veil again.

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