
Vladimir had come towards me with a big smile on his face. I felt completely confused and nervous. I could feel every girls jealous eyes on me. An Elite member looking for me. That is new. I was going towards Sandra as she had accidentally left her Judo Practice Guide in the classroom. I looked at Vladimir while trying to simulate my chubby body. I still can't believe they saw me. Thanks to Alek they saw how my body shape is. I still have a bit of stomach but the bad luck of my body. I prefer to be fat with small boobs than to be chubby and have these pains in the back. 

Vladimir being in the commoner area is also a weird sight to see. Elite members are forbidden to be here as some of the Lord's fear that their children will get sick or get diseases. Though that is not true but men with power don't care about the less fortunate.

He points at me as he speaks "Chloe correct?'

"Yes that is I..." I say calmly as I glanced at the female group at a distance 

I could see the anger in their eyes "I would like to apologize for what happened yesterday during lunch... I know my companions and I can be rude at times" 

His trying to apologize that's knew. Elite members don't need to apologize for how they got reaised. That is a normal behavior for them. Even when the prince came here once he got spilled tea and the student was a commoner. Sadly that was his last day as he got executed quickly. His family had gotten a warning to teach their children manners when appearing before the Prince and King.

I stopped and I did my best to be confident but I know I sounded terrified "Lo-Look... You are acting like this because you saw my actual body... You saw I-I am not as fat a-as everyone j-joked about... Y-You saw th-that I am not ugly... St-Sta-Stay away from me" 

He looks shocked and I just walked away holding Sandra's guide tight in my grip. My heart is beating so hard in my chest. I felt such fear. I can't be acting like that next time. I should have accepted his apology but I did not expect myself to speak to him like that. Males give me headaches. I walked for about ten minutes when I found the classroom where Sandra told me she would be waiting for me. But when I entered the classroom there was nobody there. I felt confused but I did notice Sandra's bag. Oh so she was here. She must have gone to the bathroom or something. I should leave her the guide on top of her desk and I should go to my class. Sword Crafting. I would like to create blades. 

I wanna be able to support my comrades. This war will be hard and without having good weapons and armor a lot of people will die. I must be the very best. Be able to use magic stones even to make magical weapons for those who are unable to wield at least a little bit of magic. Healing or Bible Chanting's. To be able to purify what these monsters have corrupted. They need to be killed. We can't have them ruin this earth. 

I heard the door close and I felt confused and so as I placed the guide on top of her desk I looked back. Who closed the door? I noticed this boy standing there. He locks the door and looks at me with a gentle smile. I feel completely confused. Who is he? Why is he here? Why did he lock the door? From the outside I hear people running talking about seeing a Dragon flying by. That is a rare occurrence.

But deep in my gut I knew it must have been a prank as this boy did not run out of the classroom to be able to see a flying Dragon near the school. Dragons are mostly loners so they keep their distance but when migrating they pass by once every two years and to get a glimpse is a unique and rare occurrence. There are so many types of dragons and so migrating dragons are never seen twice passing through the same path. It is a beautiful sight to see when different types of dragons fly by. This is the only path the Counselor noticed that the dragons take the most. Dragons are only able to breed once a year and if it's successful the females will stay behind to protect the eggs and the males hunt for their next meal. They'll sometimes try to kill off any male offsprings and create more females. But males sometimes find a way.

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