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This Christmas, I wanna spend it with Ethan. But, he is gonna spend it with Valerie.

After I ate my dinner, I came to the balcony to watch the sky. It was full of fireworks and the beautiful different colors always amazed me.

I wish Ethan knew that it was just a dare. But I have to wait before I tell him.

"Bianca! It's time for presents!!"

I rushed downstairs and opened my presents. I love opening presents ever since I was a kid.

I already opened all of my gifts but Dad told me there is another one.

"And this one is from... oh! It's from Ethan!"

It wasn't in a box but they told me to close my eyes.

When I opened my eyes, it was a white shitzu.

"It's so cute"

He also made me a card. My dad handed it to me and I decided to read it.

"Dear, Bianca
           I'm sorry we don't hang out that often now and this is the first Christmas that we will celebrate together in real life. But sadly, I can't come. I hope you'll take good care of Chloe. By the way, that's the name of the puppy. Merry Christmas, Bianca! Enjoy your Christmas."

Sadly he's not here.

I spent my Christmas on the balcony staring at the fireworks until my sister came.

"Cheer up! It's okay."

I looked at her, and I feel like I'm gonna explode. I told everything that was running through my mind. Valerie, Ethan, and the dare.

"Oh my, you should tell Ethan as soon as possible before he finds out himself and break his heart."

I agreed.

"Bianca, I'm going home tomorrow na. So, please fix this as possible."

Her words marked my mind.

                -3 MONTHS LATER-

I made an anonymous account to send the recording of Valerie and Stella's conversation to Ethan.

He replied, "Who is this?"

Because I was nervous, and I know I can't explain it well through text. I sent him a location instead.

"Meet me there. I'll explain everything you need to know."

When I arrived, I saw him waiting already.

"Bianca?! Are you trying to ruin our relationship or something?" He yelled.

I flinched.

This is the first time I saw him angry.

"No, I am not, I swear! Ethan, I'm your friend, and as a good friend, I don't want to see you hurt."

"No! If you're jealous just keep your jealousy to yourself and don't try to break someone's relationship."

He yelled and left but I pulled him.

My hands were shaking and I don't know why. Maybe because I was too nervous. But he has to know.

"If you're not gonna trust me, at least just come with me tomorrow and you'll know everything you needed to know."

And after saying that, I left.

Ethan's mind: I saw her hands shaking a bit when I yelled at her and that means her heart ached and I hurt her. Gosh, what have I done?

The next day, I saw him and we sneaked at a random classroom where Valerie and her evil friends like to gossip a lot.

"Wait here and listen" he rolled his eyes and sat in a corner where Valerie won't see him.

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