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I just woke up, I immediately go downstairs for breakfast.

"Hey, Bianca! come eat your breakfast, I made your favorite."

My mom said. She always makes breakfast for me every morning.

After I ate I went to my room to get ready when suddenly my best friend Ethan text me.

"Hey, good morning! I'm eating your favorite ice cream HAHAHA"

He then sent a picture of his ice cream.

"Edi sanaol,"

Ethan and I are best friends and we met on the internet last year. He is like my other half. We would also update each other on what we're doing.

While I was reading a book someone called me and it was Ethan.

"Hey, what are you doing?" He said.

I replied, "Oh I'm just reading a book and why did you call?"

"Ah bored lang kasi ako and don't worry I'll go now, bye!"

I don't want him to feel that I don't wanna talk to him.

"No, it's okay, and do you want to do something?"

He said excitedly "Yeah! Wanna watch a movie together?"

I agreed and we both watch a movie on the video call.

We both had a blast and our video call lasted for 4 hours.

Until my mom called me, "Bianca! Come downstairs right now."

I wondered what I did wrong so I came down with a confused look on my face until I saw who was downstairs. I was in shock when I saw my big sister.

She worked in another country to earn money so she left a couple of years back and now she came back for a vacation break.

"Ate Mae?! You're back!" I screamed with excitement.

 We hugged.

"OMG you're so tall na and oh my gosh you're so pretty!" 

I'm so happy that she came back even tho she's not gonna stay here this long but at least I'm gonna celebrate my 18th birthday with her.

"How old are you na pala?" My sister asked.

"I'm turning 18 this month"

She looked surprised

"Hala! Time flies so fast parang kahapon ka lang naging 7 years old"

We laughed and Dad helped ate Mae unpack her stuff.

Mom always cleans her room every time ever since she left since it's gonna be dusty if she doesn't.

I told Ethan everything that had happened and he was happy for me.

"I'm so happy for you, Bianca! Now you're able to celebrate your birthday with your ate."

I love how supportive he is of me.

The next day, my sister had a lot of plans for my 18th birthday. "What cake flavor do you want?" So I immediately said "Cookies and cream! It's my favorite"

I'm so happy because the cake, cake pop, ice cream, and cupcakes are gonna be in cookies and cream flavor which is my favorite. But I also chose some red velvet flavor for the cupcakes since it's some of my friend's favorite flavor including Ethan's even tho he's not gonna be there.

Now the week of my birthday, my sister prepared a photo shoot for me. "Bianca, I got you some hairstylist to fix your makeup and hair for your photo shoot"

"You don't have to do all of this and you already handled the food including the venue so there's no such thing for me to do a photoshoot"

I know I'm being unappreciative but I just think she shouldn't spend this much money on me.

My sister replied, "It's okay, you only celebrate your 18th birthday once and you never know when we'll meet again and I'm trying to make it up to you."

I sighed and agreed with her, however, it was fun tho.

Now here comes the most special day of my life, my 18th birthday. I invited all of my friends and my parents also invited there's.

First, I woke up to a call from Ethan.

"Raise and shine birthday girl!!"

I laughed and said thank you.

"Now get ready and don't forget to enjoy your special day, okay? I and my parents are going somewhere too."

I replied, "Don't worry I'll have so much fun and take care!"

I was wearing a beautiful lavender dress that I chose with my beautiful shiny ocean-wavy long hair. I look so prettier than ever.

I entered the room and all eyes were on me. I was walking with my favorite song playing in the background. I felt like a real-life Disney princess and I would like to thank ate Mae for this.

When it was time to eat I was excited to eat all of my favorite food.

After I ate, I went outside near the fountain area. I was surprised when someone spoke behind me.

"I didn't know you would be here, in fact, I didn't know that this is your party."

I turned around and it was Ethan.

"Oh my gosh! Am I dreaming? How are you here?" I was surprised.

"Well, my parents told me that there was a birthday party for her friend's daughter, and I didn't it would be you. And it's pleasing to meet you, in real life this time."

It sounds so fake and I couldn't believe that he was standing and talking to me right now.

We continued talking and a few minutes later, we went inside.

His mom was looking for him

"There you are, Ethan! Oh, you two are friends now? Oh, how lovely."

We both looked at each other. They didn't know that we were friends for over a year now.

I was so happy that I finally met Ethan in real life and on my 18th birthday. This is the best gift that the Universe gave me.

Now, it's time for the 18 Roses and I danced with my guy classmates mostly and some of my uncles. 

"Next we have Ethan Gutierrez"

I was shocked that Ethan was called in one of my 18th roses.

We danced and it was a bit awkward.

And of course, my dad is my last dance. After that, we all went outside and the sky was full of fireworks. That moment was so magical.

After the party, the people left and the staff began to clean. I saw Ethan was about to leave so I ran after him.


He looked back and smiled

"Hey, Bianca! I enjoyed today and happy birthday." 

"Since we both know that our parents are friends, do you mind if we hang out sometime?"

"Yeah, sure! Are you free tomorrow?"

"I always am" I replied.

Ethan left together with his parents.

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