I've lost my mind.

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"Oh, uh- yeah.. sorry, I thought I saw.. green." Well, this so far is a great first impression. "Pff, green?? Hey, are you on somethi-" Exer got interrupted by the blonde one. He seemed to be a lot more cheerful, almost too happy. "Hey man!!" Well, atleast he doesn't think I'm a total freak. "Uh.. hi?"  He reached out to shake my hand, so I took it. "Hm.. You must be new, I've never seen you here before. Are you lost?" How did he know?? "Kinda, haha. I was looking for this classroom here, do you by chance know where it is?" He stared at the schedule for a few seconds, then let it go and walked over to Exer. "What class are we in again?" "Uhm... I think #1250-B??" The  blondie's face lit up, and he turned away from Exer back to me. "Well, this is great!! We are all in the same class! I got assigned to some freshman, so I can't walk with you guys, but you've met Exer here, right?? He can guide you!" Oh, great. "Aw, c'mon, he doesn't bite, right Exer?" A bit of silence went by, before Exer responded with a sarcastic 'sure'.  "Alright, well I gotta book it. See ya new kid!!" I turned as he sped down the hall. "Thanks, uh- wait!" But he was already gone. Throughout all that he hadn't even bothered to give me his name. Well I guess I didn't give him mine either. Oh well, hopefully we'll see eachother again. "Alright, now which way to-" Down the hall, I saw Exer leaving without warning. He hadn't even said anything, and I hadn't heard him leave. "Hey Exer, wait- ow!" I accidentally ran into someone coming out of a classroom. "Oh god, are you okay?? I'm so sorry,-" I leaned down to pick up their sunglasses that had fallen off "-These are yours, right?" Standing back up, I handed them to her. She had bright blue eyes, and carrot-orange hair. "Are you alright? Did I hurt you?" She stared at me for a few seconds, before blinking and turning away. "Oh- don't apologize, it's my fault! I should've been looking where I was going, haha!" "Oh, don't worry, I'm glad your alright. Wait- I better head to class now, bye!" "Ah- oh, bye!!" I had to run to catchup to Exer. That girl was very pretty, hopefully I'll get to talk with her again sometime. "Hey, thanks for waiting-" I stopped when he turned around. He glared at me angrily Jeez what did I do now? He turned back around and kept walking. What was that about???
"Alright class, we're gonna start your final year at this school by talking a bit about prehistoric art!" I couldn't much this morning, especially considering what had happened this morning. Was it really some sort of.... magic?? Or was it me? Was I going crazy? And.. that guy.. Exer. Something is really off about him. Like, why is he now mad at me, what did I do? Oh, come on now Jackson, shut up! Now you're just seeing things because you're nervous or something. Yeah, that's why this is all happening. Jeez, I'm just stressing myself out now. What time is it? Man, its only been like five minutes. Can't time move any faster.
Maybe I should talk to him after class. Hmm, yeah! I'll confront him, then everything will be back to normal-
"Huh? Oh, well I guess time's up then.. Well kids, have a great first day of your senior year!" What the- how?? I swear that class just started. How did it go by so fast??
I must've fallen asleep or something. I need to wake myself up.
I went into the bathroom and stood at the first sink. I turned on the tap and splashed water onto my face before I got abrubtly shoved to the side. "Psh, move dork!" It was those pricks from earlier! "Hey, what gives?? You know there are other sinks!" He directed his attention at fixing his hair, while blandly responding with "Meh, don't care, I can do whatever I want. So beat it, idiot!" "Pff, look at the whiny baby!" The other one exclaimed. I was about to leave, but I turned and looked at the faucet as those two laughed with eachother. No way, there it was again! The same green as-
The sink exploded, splashing waves of water onto both of them. "Yo, what the hell?? Hey- don't use my shirt Ricky!!" They started arguing with eachother then turned and looked up at me, probably wondering why I hadn't left yet. "Huh, I bet you did this, idiot!!" They looked up at me angrily. They looked mad. Really mad. "I'll end you, dorpo!!!" I turned and ran from the bathroom without a second glance back. Wait.. did I do that?? I- "AH- OW, HOT!!" I bumped into someone behind me and turned to see no other than the principal of the school behind me, holding a now empty coffee cup in his hand with a large stain on his suit. "Oh no- I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to, I-" "Kid, you- nevermind, just go to class." He turned and angrily walked down the hall. "Sorry!!" I yelled down after him. Jeez, this is gonna go down in history as the unluckiest and strangest firsr day of senior year ever. Jeez, I gotta get to my next class now. Where's my map-?
Damn it, no, no, no! This can't be happening to me, not on my first day!! I swear I put it in my bag!
Man, I had my whole schedule on there too, what is going on today??
"Hey there new kid, this is yours, right??"
It sounded like Exer. I thought he was mad at me?
"Oh, my map! Thanks, I was freaking out there-"
I looked up at him to see something that looked completley unreal, like something you'd see in a nightmare. Green mist surrounding everything, and solid, glowing green eyes.
Well, I think this proves it.
I've completley lost my mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2022 ⏰

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