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As I finished shaving, I wiped my face with a towel and looked up at myself in the mirror. "Well, hey there gorgeous." I said to myself "Wait- you can't be serious, is that a pimple?? Seriously, why on my forehead??" I frowned and poked it a few times, and moved my hair in front of it to try and make it a bit less noticeable. "That's cause' you frown all the time." Speak of the devil.
"Ha, ha, very funny dad." I walked out of the bathroom and grabbed my bag off the hook where it sat all summer. "You have any gas money?" He asked, looking up from the newspaper in his hand. "Yeah, of course." I opened up the door and rechecked to make sure I had my keys. "Alright, take care! Oh, and make sure you're not back too late."
"Yeahh sure thing. Catch ya later Dad."
I walked out the door just as David approached, waving and calling out to me. I waved back and we both climbed in my car so I could drive him to school.
"Man, I still can't believe we're seniors now! Summer ended pretty fast, huh." Most of the time in the mornings when I drive David to school, or anywhere in general, he just rants on and on about lots of different things. I'm not able to respond because I'm driving, and he knows that, but I like just listening to him talk, without a care in the world. "Wait- oh my god, you shaved your beard!!" He finally noticed, took awhile "Uh.. yes?" "Oh, wow!! You look so nice, like- well, like a good guy- aw, can I touch your baby face??" He leaned over and started rubbing my face. "No, you idiot!!" "Come onnnn, just a little bit??" "Hah, no, stop it!!!" We got to a red light and stopped, waiting for it to turn green. A car pulled up next to us with two girls in it. "Ahem.." Me and David both froze. He was still leaned over with his hands on my face. "Heyyyy.." The girls looked away, giggling, and then the light changed and we drove off.
Me and David both kicked through the door, watching heads turn at our arrival. "Hey, Exer, our king!! Glad to see you!" "Oh, hey Exer!" "Morning, Mr. Campbell." Everyone knows my name. I'm not really sure how it happened, but I guess I did something to get this position. Word spreads quick, huh?
"Oh my gosh.. theres Exer!!"
"Well, why don't you go ask him out??"
"Please, are you kidding?? Asking out the most popular guy in school?? Well, even if I did, I bet theres someone else he likes already."
I got to my locker, and heads turned as Brenda walked down the hall. She greeted everyone as she walked, waving and smiling. She held a binder in her hand and had her pink bag. I noticed last year she seemed to have a different bag for every occasion. But wow, she looked so pretty. "Ah, how I missed my locker.. and not a rat in sight! Hey, do you remember what happened to Jeremy last year-" For once, at that moment, I couldn't bother to listen to David. "Hellooo, Exer???" He snapped his fingers, bringing me back to my senses "What's going on? You were daydreaming." Shit. "Me? Haha, I don't know what you're talking about."
"Oh, hey look, my sister's here!!" She came walking over to us- or maybe it was just to David. "Hey Brenda, here's your lunch!" I couldn't take my eyes off her. It was like I was staring at an angel. "Oh great, thank you. Have a good day!" She turned around and started to leave. "You too!" David said, and I realized I should say bye too. "Oh, uh- see you Brenda-" She whipped her head around "Oh yeah, see you too. Exer." Then she marched away. I guess she really dislikes me after what- "Hey beautiful, nice legs." "You're lookin' pretty hot today babe." Jeez, not those guys again. Richard and Marty. They had always been the 'bad boys' of the school, but they almost never got in trouble for it. "Well hey, Richard and Marty. Bit early to start harrasing people, isn't it?" "Yeah, how many times do girls have to tell you no before you get it?" The girl they had been picking on seemed to have left. It seemed she was dating Marty, I really hoped that she broke up with him soon. Nobody deserved to date a dunce like him. "Pff, what do ya think, Marty?" I dunno, man. We better obey King Exer."
"Yo, guys!! Watch your step."
And with that, they tripped and fell over, landing on eachother. They then started arguing about who's fault it was. "Haha, that's karma for you, idiots!!! Man, how dumb must they be to just trip over like that?" They had ran away at this point. "I know right?? So strange." David was laughing and replaying everything that happened, how they had fell and argued with eachother before-
Who's that??
Why is he staring at me?"
"Uh.. you need any help, bud??"
He was sort of hiding himself behind the row of lockers, almost like he was afraid.
"Oh, oh- uh, no, sorry. I just thought I saw... green.."

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