Dinner with Dr. Green

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At Sean's place I set my bag on the couch before walking into the kitchen where I could hear music playing. Sean was stirring something in a saucepan and Luke was whining that he was doing it wrong. I leaned against the wall, smiling at the sight of my boys. Neither of them noticed me for a few moments, and I had started taking pictures and videos, sending them to some of the other guys.

I was busy texting North back that yes, we were being very safe, when I felt Luke's arms wrap around me.

"Hey there cupcake, how are you?" he asked, and kissed my temple.

I grinned and looked up at him, "again?" I asked sweetly.

Luke rolled his eyes but was grinning as he squeezed me a little closer and kissed my temple again, this time it was more sensual and he rocked me side to side afterwards.

"I love you," I murmured into his chest, dropping my phone into the pockets of my shorts.

Luke pressed his cheek to the top of my head, "And I love you, Sweetness."

"Hey now! It's my time with Pumpkin, you scedaddle, mr.," I heard Sean say from somewhere behind Luke.

Luke rolled his eyes for me to see, "Yeah, yeah," he called to Sean and then addressed me, "I'll see you tomorrow alright? Be good, don't let the Doc burn the house down."

He winked at me while ignoring Sean's complaining from the kitchen and I waved as we walked out the front door. I ran over to the window next to it and watched as he climbed into the car and turned it on. He sat there while opening the windows so that he would get some air flow in this afternoon heat.

Luke put the car into gear and then looked up towards Sean's condo, he smiled when he noticed me watching and on impulse I blew him a kiss. His smile widened and he pretended to catch it, and then put it to his heart. He gave a wink and raked his hand through his hair as he pulled out of the driveway.

I stayed there watching where his car had dissipated until I finally sighed and turned back to the livingroom.

Sean poked his head out of the kitchen and looked at me, "is he gone yet?" he asked playfully. I nodded and he grinned, "Well come on in, help me cook and I'll set the table."

I grinned, "Sure thing."

As I made my way to the kitchen, I kicked off my shoes and set them in the hall so that when I made my way back to the rooms I would be able to just pick them up and take them with me.

In the dining room Sean had already put out the stuff for me to set the table, I noticed that there were only two placements and was both happy and sad that Mr. Blackbourne wouldn't be joining us this evening.

The timing between Sean and I was nearly perfect. I was setting the plates out when he brought out a pan of fettuccine Alfredo.

"Oooo, that smells good," I said while leaning over with a fork in my hand.

Sean chuckled and swatted my hand away, "Pumpkin, you're being served, like right now. You can't wait two minutes to sit down like a normal person?"

I gave him a blank stare, "Nope!"

His eyes twinkled and he shook his head while I grinned and took my seat. He served us both up, and we took our seats. For the first few minutes we were both too busy eating to speak, and when we did, he was the one to say something.

"Are you excited? We're camping out in a few short days.. the first family outing where we don't have to worry about Owen and I being called predators for hanging out with our students.. plus," he smiled, taking a sip of his water, "I hear there's quiet the line up for things to do."

I groaned playfully, the boys had a tendency take a perfectly good day and put athletic things into them. So what could have been a day spent reading in the sun or goofing off, is turned into a six mile hike one way, and then back in time for lunch. Sean grinned at my groaning and ate another bite of food before addressing me.

"Don't worry, Gabriel was rooting for you and made sure the first and last days are both free days."

I knew I was smiling then, "remind me to give Gabriel a hug," I said, making him laugh.

After that we went quiet for a bit, and I was nearly done with my food went I felt my phone buzz. The only people who had my number was my best friend Mae, the boys, and Marie if she ever needed it. I had met Mae half way through the year when she transferred in. We met the day she moved in to Daniel's old house, and for the first time, I hadn't been nervous to make a friend.

I checked the screen and noticed it was a text from Gabriel, which was odd because we were just talking about him. I leaned back in my chair and unlocked my phone, pulling up the message where I saw a fuzzy picture of Kota, it looked weird because he looked to be doing a funny push up. I knew from the many times the boys had gotten hours, that Kota knew how to do a push up.

I was just texting back, about to ask if Kota was okay when the phone vibrated again and another picture showed up, this time it was much clearer.

"Sang, sweetie, can I take your plate or are you still eating?"

I looked up at Sean and shook my head, "No, I'm good, but thank you," I said, and he took the dishes to the kitchen to load the dishwasher.

Looking back down at my phone, I had a video now, along with the picture. I scrolled up on the messages a bit to see that Kota was now standing off to the side, hands on his hips looking like he was trying to figure something out. Both Luke and Nathan were on the floor, it looked like in Nathan's house, and they both were doing the awkward looking push up.

At this point I was stumped, maybe they weren't doing a push up. I was lost in thought when my phone buzzed again, this time it wasn't a media message but just a normal text.

Gabriel: Oy, Trouble what'd you think?

I was a bit confused before I remembered the video, and I quickly tapped the screen so I could watch it and he didn't think I was ignoring him.

The video started up, with a song playing and then three of my boys, Kota, Nathan, and Luke, all stepped forward in a line, and did some sort of hand stand thing. This itself wasn't the shocker, I knew they were all capable, but what came next nearly had me dropping my phone.

They all seemed to fall on their tummies in slow motion, and when they got to be laying on the floor, they got in the weird push up position and proceeded to grind on the floor. It was weird at first, watching them grind on the floor, but then I started wondering what it would feel like to be in place of the floor, and that's when I lost it, letting my phone fall to the floor.

I was duly aware that I was supposed to respond to that, but at the same time, I'm not sure I would have been able to respond to that. Where in the blazes did they get that idea? To do that... and then RECORD it!?

Sean walked in while I was busy trying to fan myself so I didn't look flushed and by the smile on his face, I felt like I was missing out on something, but for the life of me I couldn't think straight enough to figure it out.

"Movie and then bed?" Sean suggested, and I silently nodded.

He picked up my phone and offered me a hand which I gladly accepted. We made it out to the livingroom where he let me sit on the couch before walking towards his tv.

"So, would you like a movie or do you have more interesting things on your phone to watch?" he said, keeping his back to me.

At the same time, before I could say anything, my phone pinged. I looked down and opened up the group message that I had just been invited to.

Mr. Blackbourne: That reaction was priceless, Miss Sorenson.

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