Chapter 4

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Midoriya’s POV:

    ‘Ugh, I’m bored now’ I thought to myself. I mean, when you're in a mansion with nobody to talk to, and nothing to entertain you, you kinda automatically get bored. ‘I already explored the place, only finding a few pictures that interested me- omg, I could just look at those’ I thought to myself, excited that I finally found something interesting to do. I ran to the broken down room with the many pictures covering the floor underneath it.

I got to the room, astonished by how many pictures there were. I saw many, most of them probably being from Bakugou as I saw him in lots, although I saw some of Bakugou and Shoto together, so I figured they were really close as friends. As I kept looking, I realized just how many pictures had them together. There were actually very few about their home life before they met, then again Shoto probably didn’t bring any with him. I’m guessing he went back sometime after he escaped because how else would he get them? Bakugou’s pictures of his family didn’t look very happy. A lot of them looked like he was getting abused, but I wasn’t sure why because I haven’t heard about his life before he met Shoto, and I didn’t have any intention of asking. I didn’t want to butt into someone's personal life unless I needed to.

I picked another one that specifically interested me. It showed Bakugou covered in scars and wounds, which I’m guessing he didn’t have the best past either. Again, I wouldn’t ask unless needed. I looked at a few more, discovering some about their fun times together. Honestly, I’m happy that Shoto found someone to live with other than being alone for the rest of his life. He didn’t deserve what he told me, and I hope that he feels a bit better about it than he did when he was little. Being 5 years old and watching your whole family die, isn’t the best for a child that age. He was lucky he knew so much from his father, even though he was abusive, Shoto still learned from him which was why he knew what to do during that time.

I kept looking around until I came across another that sparked my interest. It showed Shoto, I’m guessing as a baby, being held by what looked like his oldest brother, and then 2 more of his siblings around them. There was another picture with what looked like their whole family, and they were all smiling. Yes, they were smiling, but I could see right through their smiles. I saw fear hidden in their eyes and secret emotions they were hiding.

I kept looking for probably another good hour or two until I got interrupted.

“What are you doing here, stupid nerd,” I heard someone say, with a bit of an attitude. I turned and came face to face with the pomeranian man.

“I was bored, so I came here to look at pictures, duh,” I stated, rolling my eyes. “I didn’t know you were blind.”

“I’M NOT BLIND,” he screamed in my face, making me even more annoyed with his presence. “I just wanted to know why you came here of all places,” he scowled.

“Well when I was exploring the place, I came across this room and wanted to look at more pictures. It seems like you and Shoto are really good friends. I also noticed that your past seems kinda… sad,” I stated, frowning. He looked away from me, probably angry I was bringing it up.

“I guess you could say that,” he stated, still not looking at me.

“If you want to tell me, you can and I’ll gladly listen,” I stated, hoping I could learn a bit more about him since he was so mysterious to me.

“Ugh, you're as annoying as Icy-Hot,” he scoffed. He sat down next to me, seeming a bit angry or upset about something. Before I could say a word, he started telling me about the pictures that I saw. He told me about his father abusing him, to his father leaving him. Then he told me about when his father left, and about his mother not being very nice to him. He told me about meeting Shoto, who helped him when he needed it. I had to admit, they were close and you could tell. “That’s it, happy now?”

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