Chapter 1

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Midoriya’s POV:

    BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! ‘Ugh, stupid annoying alarm clock!’ I thought to myself. I grabbed the pillow from underneath my head and smacked the clock with it. There, now it’s quiet! I got up from my bed, still half asleep, and got ready for work. ‘These morning shifts suck, but at least I can have a decent evening!’ Once I was ready, I went to the kitchen and popped a few slices of toast in the toaster. Honestly, this life sucked, but I didn’t have anywhere else to go. I never met my dad and my mom died a few years ago, so I had no one. I was alone, but was perfectly fine with that. All I had was a small, cheap apartment and barely enough food, but I got my way around. I worked at a small cafe, and made only $9.00 an hour, so it was barely enough to survive on. I didn’t have any friends, and the people I worked with found me weird, and to be honest, they were very rude to me. I wasn’t living that great of a life, but I found my ways around. I was already used to it, and nothing changed. Every day was the same, I’d get up at 8am, go to work, come home at around 5pm-ish, spend my evenings either reading or finding anything else I could do, and then go to bed at around 10. My schedule was simple, which suited me, because I was simple. I grabbed my toast from the toaster, and ran out the door because I was almost late for work.

*Time skip till after work*

    ‘That sucked’. The day wasn’t that great, and in a way, worse than usual. I was working with Souta and Hiroto, and overall, they are huge jerks. They act like they’re better than everyone else, and people like that annoy me. They basically teased me and made fun of me all day, which after a while, gets exhausting to deal with. I was walking home, until…

    “Hello?” I looked into a shadowed alleyway, hearing a sound. ‘There it was again’. It sounded like a person running. I carefully stepped into the dark alleyway and tried my best to see, although it was quite difficult without any source of light. I kept walking until I saw someone, someone who seemed to be tripping over their every step.

    “OMG, are you ok?” I asked, trying to help the person get to their feet. They seemed terrified, and their fingers were over their neck? How strange?

    “D-Don’t go over t-there. It’s d-dangerous,” he stuttered. I looked back into the alleyway, the way he was looking, and saw a standing figure, who seemed to be looking at us. My heart rate increased, and the person who I was helping got up and ran. I was knocked to the ground, terrified of whatever was in front of me. It moved closer, as I tried to back up, but stumbled. The dark, shadowed figure reached out to me, and put their hand over my mouth so I couldn’t scream. I kicked, smacked, and tried screaming, wailing around like a child, but nothing worked. I soon felt myself get dizzy as I couldn’t breathe as his hand was over my mouth and nose, and suddenly, I felt my body get weaker… and weaker… and weaker until I could no longer move, and everything went black.

Todoroki’s POV:

    ‘This guy is cute!’ I thought to myself. I knocked him out, since he was too beautiful to bite! I picked him up bridal style, and took him back to the abandoned mansion that I and someone else lived in.

    “About time, Icy-Hot,” I heard the pomeranian scream. The green-haired boy was still out cold, so I set him down on the couch where Bakugou was. “Who’s this? Did you bring him back for me!”

    “No, you cannot touch him. I found him and he’s mine, no exceptions. Find your own human,” I hissed at him. He backed up, clearly annoyed with my actions. I sat down beside the broccoli and waited for him to wake up.

Midoriya’s POV:

    ‘Ugh, where am I?’ I questioned, sitting up and looking around. I was on a couch, clearly, and saw someone. I couldn’t see him that well, since the only light was a candle lit on the side table. He had split hair, one side black and the other looked to be red. His eyes were shut, and his skin looked a bit… pale? My heartbeat started increasing slightly, not knowing exactly what to do. I looked around a bit more, until I saw another person standing in a doorway.

    “Hey Icy-Hot, your human’s awake,” I heard him say. The person sleeping beside me woke up, and looked at me.

    “W-Who are you? Why d-did you t-take me?”

    “I’m sorry for knocking you out, but it was quite necessary since you’re pretty cute.” I felt my face go red at the comment, and the person next to me giggled. The person in the doorway rolled his eyes. He seemed to have glowing red eyes along with very spiky hair. His arms were crossed, and I decided that he might have an attitude. “My name is Todoroki, Shoto Todoroki!”

    “I’m Izuku Midoriya, and may I ask a few questions?” Todoroki nodded. “First, who is that,” I pointed to the spiky haired person. 

“Oh, that’s just Bakugou, just ignore him.” The person named ‘Bakugou’ walked away.

“Secondly, why is your skin all pale? Are you sick?” He sighed, seeming like he didn’t want to give an answer.

“No… I’m not sick,” he stated. “I’m a vampire, which is why my skin is so pale.”

“Wait really!?!” My eyes lit up, but tried to calm myself down. “I thought vampires were mythical creatures,” I tilted my head.

    “Well, they’re real, but most of them hide away. Some have learned to control themselves well enough to blend in with the rest of the humans, and just live a regular life, with the exception of hunting people for food, but only when they need it.”

    “Why don’t you do that? I mean, you seem like you're fine around me.” I was deeply confused.

    “First of all, Bakugou isn’t that well at holding himself back when it comes to blood, and I am not leaving him alone to suffer. Secondly, I may seem like I’m good, but I just ate like 2 hours ago, and when I’m hungry, I can barely control my body.” He seemed a bit embarrassed, so I tried to comfort him. Yes, even though I was basically kidnapped, I still try to act nice!

    “It’s okay, it isn’t your fault.” I didn’t want to say ‘I understand’ because I didn’t. I didn’t understand what it’s like being a vampire and dealing with everything that takes in it, and I hope I never will, but that didn’t stop me from feeling bad for him. “Also, when can I leave? I have a life to get back to.”

    “What do you mean? Your life isn’t that great and you know it. You are basically alone, and you have a small apartment.” How did he know that? Creepy stalker.

    “How did you know that?”

    “The idiot’s been stalking you,” Bakugou popped his head in the room. “Anyways, I’m going out. I’m starving and that human doesn’t help,” he pointed towards me.

    “Okay, stay safe.”

    “Yeah yeah whatever,” he said as he walked out the door.

    “What’s with him? Why does he seem to be angry?”

    “That’s just his personality. He’s always like that. Like I said, just ignore him,” Todoroki stated. I nodded, still wanting to go home. “I can tell you want to go home, but I think you should stay for a bit, see how you like it. Don’t worry, we won’t hurt you.” I thought for a second. ‘Would this be beneficial? I mean, I get to spend time with someone for once in my life, and I don’t have to struggle like before. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to stay for a bit.’

    “Fine, I’ll stay,” I replied. Todoroki smiled, and got up from his chair.

    “Okay then, try and make yourself at home. I know the house isn’t the best place, but it isn’t the worst. You can explore for a bit, and if you need me, just call my name.” I smiled.

    “Okay Todoroki!”

    “Call me Shoto!” He said as he walked away into the darkness. My face felt really hot.

    “O-Okay.. Shoto.”

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