Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Beth POV

Beth moved her hips, trying to adjust to the pressure of having him inside of her. She was becoming anxious that she would not be able to take him. If she was struggling with two of his fingers, what was his cock going to be like?

“You are close, baby. I want you to come for me.”

The wave of sensation became too strong to fight, so she gave in and screamed as the most intense feeling she did ever had whipped through her.

“That is it. A little bit more.”
Her body sagged against the mattress as she fought to calm her heart.

He moved up her, spread her legs with his, and pressed his cock against her slit. When had he taken off his boxers? She thought.

His elbows were on either side of her shoulders, keeping his weight off her. Then she felt the head of his cock start to push in. He did only gone a few inches when she realized he did not have a condom on and grabbed his hips to stop him from going further.

“Wait, I’m not on birth control, Jungkook.”

“Fuck.” His breath billowed out of his lungs as he rested his forehead against hers. “Babe, I’m clean. I need to feel your skin. At least this first time. We will get you on birth control tomorrow.”

“And what happens if I get pregnant?”

He snorted. “The same thing that is going to happen anyway. You’re mine, and you are going to stay mine.”

She relaxed because she believed him.

“Fuck yes,” he said as he started pushing in again.

The burning got worse, and she did not know how much more she could take. “God, Jungkook. It’s too much.”

“Sweetheart, just lie still for me. You can do that, can’t you? Because the last thing I want to do is hurt you.”


“Trust me to take care of you.”

She exhaled and then nodded.

The toll it was taking on him was apparent to her, so she tried her best to relax as much as she could. He reached between them and pressed on her clit, instantly making an upsurge of desire rush through her. A wave of cream slid out of her, and that was all it took, and he was able to push the rest of his cock in and stay still.

“Damn, woman,” he said against her ear. “I have never felt anything this good in my life.”

Her hands roamed over his shoulders. The band inside of her tightened almost unbearably.

“I need…”

“I know what you need,” he said and started thrusting.

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