What's in here?

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Tw; Comatose... person... is that a TW? 

Everyone thank Derivakat for being the only reason I'm writing and not watching cosplay...


I actually messed up and wrote him in, then had to go back and edit him out lol. 


Addison rolled through the hallway, Clementine following. "Nikiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!" she called. "Nikiiiiiii you didn't telllll meeeee you were streaaaammminngggggggg. I want onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!" 

Addison hadn't fully figured out where everyone's rooms were yet. She knew where Phil's was, and Techno's. She knew Ranboo, Tommy and Tubbo all shared this massive bedroom upstairs. Of course, she'd never seen upstairs. 

Niki's bedroom was downstairs, Addison just wasn't quite sure where. Niki was always up before Addison was so she could help her out.

Addison cracked open a door to a room she'd never been in before. Some of the rooms were fairly obvious. Her's, Phil's had a massive Dadza sign on it, Techno's was covered in pigs as a joke, and Tommy had decorated his own as well with bees and Minecraft stuff, as far as Addison had heard. (All thanks to Tommy).

She didn't see Niki, but there was someone lying in a bed, not moving. Addison couldn't see their face yet so she opened the door a bit more. 

It was Wilbur. 

Addison stiffened, Clementine immediately at her side. She should just close the door. She shouldn't be in here. She shouldn't be seeing this! 

But that was her dad. 

That was her dad, lying there, motionless, an oxygen mask over his nose and mouth. He looked so pale, so lifeless, and Addison muffled a sob. Not entirely sure why- she most definitely didn't want to be seeing this- Addison crept closer. 

As Addison went closer to her dad, memories she'd been trying to avoid- to repress came swarming back. Her dad laughing as Tommy smashed Addison's cake into her face. 

When she'd had a nightmare and he'd calmed her down singing You Are My Sunshine. 

You are my sunshine...

The proud tears in his eyes as she walked on the stage and graduated fifth grade. 

My only sunshine... 

When she and Wilbur had attempted to bake a cake, spraying batter on everything and almost starting a food fight. 

You make me happy...

When Wilbur attempted to teach Addison guitar on stream, only for her to completely fail and turn to tuba instead.

When skies are gray...

When Wilbur helped Addison get ready for her first concert, and keep her from having a complete panic attack over performance anxiety.

You'll never know dear....

When Addison had gotten the chickenpox, and Wilbur stayed up all night with her, duct taping oven mitts on her hands and singing on a stream to distract her from the itching. 

How much I love you....

When Addison and Wilbur went to the zoo and Wilbur pet the goat until it nibbled his fingers and Addison thought it was the cutest thing ever. 

Please don't take... my sunshine... away...

Addison sobbed. That was her dad, her father was lying there, so pale and still. He looked dead... he looked gone... he couldn't be gone... Addison needed him... She missed her dad....

Addison- A FatherSoot OC storyWhere stories live. Discover now