ᶜʰᵃᵖᵗᵉʳ 16

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Imani lay her head against the cold metal bars letting Luke twist her hair, she could feel his hands shaking and knew he needed the support

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Imani lay her head against the cold metal bars letting Luke twist her hair, she could feel his hands shaking and knew he needed the support. The voices of the others arguing the only sound that could be heard.

"I thought your brother was dead Owen!" Sean finally said causing everyone to look at his as he had been quiet this whole time. Something rather uncharacteristic or him.

Owen sighed running a hand down his face, he looked at lot older than 21 at that moment. "I thought he was, at least he was supposed to be for the past eleven years."

Imani watched their reactions from her peripheral vision this stay in such a 'lovely' room was exposing a lot of the past it seemed. "I don't know what he wants but I promise no harm will come to you all, I will – ".

He was cut of by a short laugh, Barney the dinosaur was back it seemed. Baby bop as always diligently following. "No harm you say? Unfortunately, that's not my motto ah no my motto is 'harm them, rise above and kill them all".

"Such a nice ring don't you think, made it myself. What do you think dear brother?" Owen glared at him "What do you want Noah? Why do this?" The old man now known as Noah smiled down at him.

"Well, you see it all started eleven years ago when I ran away, I was sick of the way our father treated me, so I left, joined a gang. There I learned how much fun it is to rule the world stepping on people as I went."

"Oh my god your voice sounds like a racoon and you certainly aren't as cute as one speed it up Barney" Imani cut in sick of listening to him. His head whipping towards her as Baby bop tried to smash her arm with the butt of his gun.

Skilfully dodging it she stuck her tongue out at him, clearing his throat Barney continued "As I was saying I wanted to rule, so I built up my own empire underground. People bowed to me just as I wanted. But then I was betrayed, and I sought revenge you see at that time I also found you."

Owen stood to face him "what do you mean? What did you do?" he questioned eerily calm.

"Ah dear brother I wanted you to join me but found that you'd started your own new little family." Disgust evident in his voice as he straightened his shoulders.

"I decided to try and become something no one could oppose, a god. I had my team try and create a substance to make me unkillable and we of course tested it on different hmmm, unwilling subjects. It didn't go as planned and one of them escaped staring all this but no matter."

Owen reached through the bars grabbing the collar of his shirt slamming his face into he bars with a sickening crack being heard.

Barney punching him in the jaw in return as he stepped back holding his nose, blood gushing from it. "How dare you, you asshole!" "you sick fucker I'm going to strangle you" insults flew left and right from each caged man.

Imani watched in silence, yes, she was outraged but unsurprised the man stunk of the undead, they were probably experimenting on them to trying to determine where they went wrong. Classic evil people, so predictable.

Barney huffed his eyes dark "I see there is no point in asking you to join me then brother, no matter I can simply torture some and the rest can be my little experiments, no time to dawdle we have a serum to create."

The evil duo turned to leave only stopping once they got to the door and Barney turned to face Imani "and dear I do hate hurting women especially ones as pretty as you so think about joining me, yes? I can offer a life of luxury to you."

Before she cold answer he walked out the door, it slamming behind him with a loud bang. "Man, what a Cunt." Imani spewed, he looked like a shrivelled u grape, how he was related to Owen she had no idea.

Nothing else was said after that, the silence deafening. Each person processing the information differently, Raven punching a wall, Kota counting everything in the room over and over again, Sean simply staring at a wall.

The only ones who seemed to have some control over themselves where Imani and Axel who stared at each other taking comfort in another's presence.

The sound of footsteps approaching caused all eyes to turn towards the door as three men entered with two more carrying what appeared to be half a large wooden wine barrel, water sloshing down the sides.

They set it down in the middle of the room, seemingly to give everyone a clear view of it. The two carrying the barrel left as Barney enter again with Baby bop. Imani scowled at the sight of them, his disgusting proposal ringing in her head still.

He walked close to the edge of her cell, surprising her as he unlocked the door and entered it. "Have you chosen what to do dear? From the look on your face, it isn't the right answer."

Imani twisted her face, her nose scrunched glaring up at him through her eyelashes, "You and your ugly grape face can suck a dick. Also, your guards suck at checking people for weapons" His eyes widened as he started to step back.

Before he got far, she had ripped a knife out of her hair stabbing him in the left hip with it twisting as he howled in pain before Baby bop stepped in kicking her in the stomach causing her to be slammed back against the ground, her head hitting the wall.

"Show them what happens when our disobedient and kill the ones who checked her." Barney growled as Baby Bop helped him leave the room. Two of the three remaining guards grabbed her under the arms and dragged her out to the barrel.

Luke reaching through the bars trying to grab her as the others yelled at the guards trying to reach them.

The guards stood with her in front of the water her eyes widening as she realised what they were going to do. She thrashed in their hold feeling her head spin as she did so, the voices around her fading as she focused on her breathing.

In and out nice calm breathes. She tilted her head up meeting Owens eyes seeing the fear in them, huh looks like he may care for her after all.

With a small smile directed towards him as a hand roughly grabbed the back of her hair and she felt herself being shoved towards the water. Gently she closed her eyes, as the cold water hit her face.

This day so far sucked. Also she really wanted taco's now.

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