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Imani was surprised to find that apart from the Greek, Silas, she thinks it was and Kevin the minion no one else was present yet

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Imani was surprised to find that apart from the Greek, Silas, she thinks it was and Kevin the minion no one else was present yet.

The boys had to pretty themselves up to be worth of her presence she supposed. Humming in agreeance with her thoughts she bounded over to Silas plopping herself down on the floor next to him, "So Mr Greek God tell me what's Greece like? I've always wanted to go."

Smiling Silas was more than happy to share all about his home with the girl, most usually didn't ask or if they did it was to be polite, but she was completely entranced as he spoke of the markets, beaches, and people. It was nice to have someone so focused on him and what he had to say.

"A city full of love and wonder, I would always go with my brother and mother to the markets when we were children. The people there always gave us free food and pinched our cheeks hoping we'd marry their daughter."

Imani let out a laugh "well I'm not surprised Mr, you look like a whole Greek God. A full snack." Silas chuckled shaking him head at the girl who was practically vibrating in happiness at the stories he told her.

"Why are you wearing a skirt?" A voice spoke up as another man enter the room "you need to take this seriously it is not a fashion show, people have died." Imani tensed as she turned her head towards the man.

Fancy shoes, no he no longer deserved a nickname, Mr Blackbourne stood there looking down at her as if she was nothing but a thorn in his side, a problem to get rid of. "Pardon me? I don't see what is wrong with my outfit."

"I'm sure you heard me just fine Miss Imani, wearing a skirt is highly impractical and inappropriate." Imani stared at the man; sure, she didn't really know him that well but who was he to comment on her outfit.

"I don't believe you can comment considering you wear suits all the time, what are you stuck in the 1940's. Besides an outfits practicality depends on movability and I'm sure I'd have no trouble kicking your ass in this skirt"

"You're an irresponsible little girl who likes playing games and messing around, we should never have brought you along." Imani stood a gun clutched tightly in her left hand, "Irresponsible!! You know nothing about me and yet here you are judging me."

"Miss Ima – ""shut up, you have no right to say anything to me after I saved your sorry butts what two or three times now? How many times have you saved me? Helped me? Oh, that's right none."

"We don't need help from a desperate girl putting on a fake face and pretending she's better than everyone else. Who dresses like a – "

"you better not finish that sentence you self-righteous ass, I hope you trip into a hole filled with spiders and die and guess what if you don't want me here, I'll be gone before morning."

The two stood in a stand-off as Kevin and Silas stared at Mr Blackbourne in shock, before Mr Blackbourne could say anything in return the door to the room opened as the rest of the group filtered in.

"What's going on? Why do you two look ready to kill each other?" Brandon questioned stepping over to Imani as she loosened her grip on her gun but didn't let it go. They ignored his question as Imani bit the inside of her cheek in order to not snap at him.

She wouldn't allow herself to be rude to the others when they had done nothing wrong, "ask him. I'm going for a walk." She stated before walking past the group of men that still stood in the doorway.

She had barely made it halfway down the hall before she heard shouting as someone cussed out Mr Blackbourne, her guess Raven and North due to the use of Russian and North being loud. She assumed one of the others in the room had filled the rest in.

Pushing the door open she stepped outside moving to a patch of grass that was illuminated by the lights inside. Plopping her bag down she sat treading her fingers through the grass tugging at it.

Looking up at the moon she brushed her hair out of her face, it had frizzed up thanks to the steamy water, reaching up she pulled the ribbons out of her hair letting it fall freely to her shoulders.

 Opening her bag, she rummaged around pulling out a small bag of hair pins which she stabbed into her hair randomly to keep it from flying everywhere.

Throwing the unused pins back into her bag she hit her hand against the lock picking kit she had stolen from Luke when he wasn't paying attention. Narrowing her eyes, she picked it up feeling it's weight before dropping it straight down her top hiding it from view.

She didn't want to carry to much in her bag and the more she kept on her person in weird spots the better. They had to be accessible in case she ran into trouble and even if she didn't have to pick a door lock the tools where sharp enough to stab someone in the eye.

As she was closing her bag someone sat down next to her causing her to whip her head towards them. Surprised to see glasses sitting next to her offering a bowl of hot soup with Gabriel standing behind him.

"I'm sorry about Mr Blackbourne, he doesn't trust others easily and is one edge since we are missing a member." Imani looked at glasses with a raised eyebrow as she pulled at her curls in frustration.

"It is not your job to apologise. I won't accept it unless it is from him and is sincere. I understand that he is tense over losing one of your guys however he can't take it out on me, it's not right." Gabriel moved and sat on her other side shaking his head.

"We understand Imani, but we should probably tell you to full story, after all it's not a man that's missing. It's a girl." Imani blinked and nodded for them to continue.

"We met her in a high school, and we all fell for her over time. We were heling her out of a bad family situation and were going to make he a part of our family before all this happened. We couldn't find her, and it took a toll on everyone. Mr B took it the hardest as he blamed himself."

She looked at the two males who where both hiding so much pain at the lose of this mystery girl, grabbing both their hands after placing the soup down she squeezed them in support, "she could very well be safe and sound looking for you. Don't give up hope."

The boys both looked at each other over her head before they each squeezed her hand back all three sitting in silence watching the clouds move above them.

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