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Dressed in a bathingsuit that would warm her body while underwater Davina paced around her room, repeating the spell a tousand times in her head. The last think that she needed was a black out right before she jumped in the water. The black lakes water to be precise.
The location of the second task was shared with the champions 48 hours ago. Ever since then Davina and Viktor had been spending some time in the libary looking for every piece of information about the lake that they could find.

As if her life coudn't get any worse she had started having Nightmares about all sorts of things, drowning, her father, hell even Alex and George haunted her dreams. She was tired and even if she didnt admit it, Victor could see his younger sister struggle to keep her eyes open.

"Davina, remember you have an hour you can take your time-"

Victor had bearly finished speaking before Davina held a finger to his face and looked at him " No, I need to win this, you may be a golden child but I am not !" Davina snapped. Her brother looked a bit hurt but knew that just was the lack of sleep so he let it slide.

"Victor" the door from Davina's room opened revealing proffesor Snape, the Hogwarts posions master "your presence is needed with your headmaster" Victor wished his sister good luck, telling her he would be watching and followed the angry looking proffesor out of her room.

Davina was left with her own thoughts for a few minutes before her own headmaster walked into her room and walked with her to the lake
"Where is Victor ?" She questioned

"He is fine he is in the stands somewhere, focus "

"I didnt ask how he was" Davina stopped walking and looked at her headmaster "what is wrong? What happened? Victor would never wait in the stands he would sit with my father where the teachers are sitting"

"Davina please relax"

"I dont trust it" Davina admitted as she stepped on the big wooden platform with  the other Champions " her headmaster put his hand on her shoulder "you will make him proud Davina you are a force  compared to the others"

"Davina nodded and focused on the instructions. But every voice slowly faded away as she could not shake the feeling that something was wrong.

So when the other Champions all dived in the water Davina snapped out of her own thoughts, performed her spells and dove in. For a second her eyesight was black and slowly her body was losing control. Luckily for herself and her ego she regained control as a very pleased with herself Fleur swam past her.
Davina's erge to win overtook her as she started to swim, Merlin knows where to but once again she let her instinct take over and to pure luck after 10 minutes she saw them, four people, two of which she recognised, the first one was the youngest Weasley brother, Ronald. The second was none other then George Weasley himself. The other two, two girls  she figuered the blonde one must be Fleurs sister because my god did she look like her. The last girl she had no idea as how to identify her but in that moment she couldnt care less. She was panicing. She knew that George was the person she had to recover but she also knew the watchful eye of her father that would not be pleased with her.

Well she figuered better win with a so called bloodtraiter then lose without one.
Davina took the metal chain that kept George to the ground and pulled on it with all the strength she had got, it took a few tries but eventually it got loose she took George's left hand and swam up.

And for all merlins sake what did his mother feed that boy. She was so happy that the water helped a little but with lots of struggle she finally rose from the water, as soon as Georges nose and mouth reached the surface he gasped and looked around

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2023 ⏰

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