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George Weasley was more then excited, the second that the Durmstrang ship rose from the water and the carriage full of French girls arrived at his school he knew that this year would be different than others.

That's why he found himself full of excitement waiting in the great hall wanting to hear what was going to happen "Well now that were all settled in and sorted I'd like to make an announcement" Dumbeldore started as he stood in front of all the students.

"This castle will not only be your home this year, but home to some very special guests as well" he continued as Filch ran across the hall in his funny walk.

"You see, Hogwarts has been chosen-" Before Dumbeldore could continue Filch arrived at the small podium he was standing on and whispered something in his ear, looking at the doors of the grand hall.

As Filch ran back to the doors giving the the Weasley twins a nasty look, Dumbeldore continued. "So Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event: The Triwizard tournament"

George looked at his brother exsited before turning back to look at his headmaster "And for those of you who don't know.."

"Briliant" Fred wispered.

Behind the doors of The great hall the two other schools were patiently waiting and staring at an old man who had a weird cat in his hand.

Davina felt a nudge in her rib and quickly turned around. Three Beauxbatons girls stared at her "Are you at the wrong school" the middle one laughed.

Davina just rolled her eyes and before she could say anthing back Victor stood next to her. "Are you going to enter the tournament sis" he said giving a nasty look to the three girls who looked at him in awe and quickly walked to the back of the beauxbaton line.

"I can handle myself you know, I am not 5 anymore"

Because of Victor's height he could easily lean his elbow on her head "I know but it's funny to be the big brother"

"And I am not a chair that you can lean on" she hissed.

Suddenly the Beauxbatons girls were standing in an sort triangle formation and Davina and all the other Durmstrang students were pushed aside, away from the door.

The girls entered the room running with blue butterflies around them. Before Davina could see what else they did the door closed again.

It took about 2 minutes before Karkaroff ordered the boys to stand in position. "Krum, both of you with me" he said.

Victor stood on his left side while Davina stood on his right. "Stand up straight and hold orders" Karkaroff said

She could hear an elder voice say loudly. "And now our friends from the north please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang" Davina rolled her eyes "And their high master Igor Karkaroff"

Kai and Asher entered the room first slamming their fighting weapons on the hard ground. They were followed what from what Davina could see looked like a few 5th years. Kai and Ashser threw their weapons onto the ground and sprinted forwards making a few impressive jumps.

Victor and Davina were given a slight push in their backs. Victor nodded at his sister and entered the halls. A few people gave gasp when they entered

She got a few confused stares but she could hear the whispers "Blimely it's Krum" "It's Krum the quidditch player." "Who is that girl with Krum, she is blocking my view" "they look quite a like don't you think" "who is she"

She was absolutly sick of it. So she speeded up towards Kai and revealed her fighting knifes. She gave Kai a look and he knew what he had to do.

Davina did a high jump and then forced her knife down. Kai doged it and together they did a few impressive fighting moves leaving the girls from Beauxbatons and the students from Hogwarts speecless.

His Durmstrang girl Where stories live. Discover now