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It was the high school orientation day, I was nervous, but also exited. i was about to meet my grade 9 peers.

"Hey, mom...MOM!!! d'you know where my good outfit is?"

"What good outfit? said my  mother jokingly. "Its hung over the railing dear."

I quickly got dressed in a f/s t shirt. and some shorts.

"Okay, well i have to leave to orientation now. see ya mom."

I ran out to the car, buckled my seat belt, and told my dad:

 "Ahhhh, I'm so exited, hopefully i make new friends."

my dad backed the car out of the drive way and we were off. When we pulled up to the school my dad said: "Don't kiss any boys."

i laughed, but secretly felt sad. recently I've had more interest in girls than boys, but i didn't want to tell my parents so i just laughed and nodded.

once the tour was over, the outdoor "fun" games began, me and y/b/f/n, being un-athletic pessimists,  made our way to the nearest bench to sit out, right behind us we saw a group of three people approaching the bench we were at, they were friendly. one of the girls was loud optimistic and you could tell was friends with everyone, on the opposite note one was a quiet boy who seemed shy, he was talkative soon enough though. lastly there was a girl that m/b/f/n described as "average" but to me she was nothing of that sort! she was gorgeous and had beautiful y/c/e/c eyes. 

we all soon discovered the 5 of us all  loved the show f/s!!!

"wow, yeah that was the best part!!!" said y/b/f/n to the louder girl.

"yes i love that character" I said in  response the the quiet boy.

"shes totally my bae!"  the "average" girl said to me.

"wait do you like girls?" i asked her.

"yep, I'm bisexual, with a preferance of girls."

"Oh wow" i said dreamily.( if anyone asked me, no it was not love at first sight. hmph.) 

"what?" she said as a confused response to my "oh wow".

"I mean me too!!!!!!!!" i said to try and make myself seem less weird, but i may have said it a bit too enthusiastically, because her responds was laughing and then said 

"well okay then."

okay I liked her, a lot,already, and really wanted to know her name so asked all my 3 newfound friends their names.They answered. i found out her name was y/c/n.

i went home that night feeling over the moon!!!! i was so exited to see my new friends and crush on the first day of school.

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