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we see the silence still on his throne he was silent not saying a word as the world around him was still burning around him but he didn't
care as he just stares at the what remianed of the world he destroyed out out of sorrow,anger,rage,agony and pain. the silence sighs quietly but when
he did...

???: sucks doesn't it?

the silence after hearing the voice got off his throne and turns around to see who it was in his battle stance and sees where the voice came from as
he saw the shadowy figure at the back of his throne as his green pupil eyes stared at him with sorrow.

THE SILENCE: how did you survive my armageddon and what do you mean?

???: that it sucks knowing after all you did for your friends that they would betray you and take everything from you...and after completing your
revenge finally.....you never got the happy ending you deserved.

THE SILENCE:*growls* how the fuck would you know what i've been through! and how did you survive?!

???: *chuckles* well that's because i'm not from your universe and because i'm..*reveals himself much to the silence's shock*

*reveals himself much to the silence's shock*

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the silence read villain izuku's mind and was more shocked as he realized..

THE SILENCE: ....the multiverse theory is real, and you lost the league just like i have.

VILLAIN IZUKU: *head down* yeah...they where like a real family to me until..*growls* those basterd scum heros
ambushed us thanks to that fucking yellow feathered chicken!! ..but it doesn't mater now he's dead along with all the heros in my

THE SILENCE: and you ruled the entire world thanks to all for all.


THE SILENCE: ....you wanna make a group of versions of us for some..plan that'll
give us what we always wanted.

VILLAIN IZUKU: yes and nice trying to know my plan but i want it to be an amazing surprise when
we work on forming our group!

THE SILENCE: so if we do this, we can finally be happy, live a peaceful life away from heros?

VILLAIN IZUKU: *smiles and nods* yes,what do you say....*brings out hand* brother?

the silence smiles back as he shaked villain izuku's hand as they smiled at eachother but what the silence didn't realize is that behind villain
izuku's back is him crossing his fingers on his hand. the two stopped shaking hands as villain izuku opens a multiversal blue energy portal
with his hand as he walks through it along with the silence but before he did, the silence looked back at his universe and knows there's nothing
in it for him to continue, the silence drops a tear down his cheek as he aims his hand at the ground and shoots a massive beamof red electric energy
as it went through the earths core destroying the earth as the silence walked through it as he follows villain izuku through the portal as he and villain izuku were surrounded by the multiverse itself!!!!

 the two stopped shaking hands as villain izuku opens a multiversal blue energy portalwith his hand as he walks through it along with the silence but before he did, the silence looked back at his universe and knows there's nothingin it for him to ...

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IT'S ONLY THE BEGINNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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