Chapter 13

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He hasn't been to a server for months, so he's looking forwards to this one. Schlatt meets him in the lobby and they head through together, clambering into the portal. It's a two night, three day long visit (since Minx insisted Schlatt come hang out with her at least a few times over the holiday) but server time has been fixed to more or less represent real time.

"Ready?" Schlatt asks him with a grin, and steps through the portal, Wilbur following close behind.

"I haven't been on your server before, have I?" Schlatt asks, peering around himself.

"I don't think so," Wilbur replies, looking around himself. He'd remodelled a small town into a bigger town just by the spawn point, so they don't have to walk very far to get to a good place.

"I'm building an observatory," Schlatt says immediately, heading over to a distant forest, presumably to gather wood.

"Want a hand? What blocks are you using?"

"Hm," Schlatt thinks for a while. "Just like, white concrete or something."

"Yeah, I have some of that. I'll go grab it."

"I'm designing it, though," Schlatt calls. "You better not build anything without my permission!"

"Whatever," Wilbur laughs, rolling his eyes.

They spend the entire day building the observatory. Schlatt is very picky about where everything has to go, and Wilbur ends up making constant adjustments for him, but eventually it's done, situated on a little rise in a desert near his village.

"Adequate," Schlatt nods, stood in front of it with bare feet and buried in the sand up to his ankles. Wilbur laughs at him from where he's seated on the side of the observatory, and he clambers up to the very top of it.

"Adequate?" he asks, grinning. "This is awesome. And you fucking designed it, if it's not perfect that's your problem!"

"Yeah, whatever," Schlatt says, picking his way into the middle and climbing his way up, emerging through a hole on the roof. "Should we make a couple of sleeping cubbies?" he suggests. "There's still time til sunset."

"Yeah, sure," Wilbur nods. "What material?"

"I'll let you do the inside," Schlatt smiles. "That way if anyone calls it ugly I can blame it on you."

"Dick," Wilbur grumbles, but clambers back down. "I'll head back to town for supplies. See ya in a bit."

"I'll just be relaxing up here," Schlatt smirks, waving to him.

It's only a ten minute walk, not too bad, though the sand makes it a little awkward. He has plenty of time to relish the cooling air as the sun edges towards the horizon.

When he gets to the town, he grabs several iron and white concrete blocks, some beds, a couple of chests, and some food. Then he moves back to the observatory at a gentle jog, not wanting to miss the sight of the setting sun.

Schlatt is leaning back, facing away from him, so Wilbur scales the side of the observatory as silently as he can and creeps up behind him. "I'm back," he announces loudly, and Schlatt, to put it politely, almost shits himself.

"Jesus fucking Christ," he breathes. "Have you been with Techno or something?"

"Uh," Wilbur says, thinking suddenly about countless hours spent stealing food from the pantry with Techno while Phil was cooking. "No?"

"Liar," Schlatt says, his mouth curving into a grin. "Now hurry up, I wanna at least watch the fucking sunset."

"Why don't you come help, then?"

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