Chapter 8

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Days went by and nothing changed.Hia and Piah still see each other often..even in sometimes they are secretive in their ways and I will just only know about them on twitter.

Mom also left yesterday and as I said..I didn't come.Today my contract is over and I have to go to P'aof to discuss the other necessary papers.

" Finally....everything will be okay." I said and fell down on my bed.

I'm just alone at home and no one knows that they are not here not even P'aof or my friends. It's a bit sad because everything here is my work.I almost went with it if I hadn't fallen asleep right away last night.

All of a sudden, I miss them.They must have been in France for a few weeks, so I won't be able to be with them for a while.I just stared at the ceiling of my room while thinking about what my life would be like without them.

- One message from Papa Aof -

* Do you want me to announce about you? *

" I think we don't need it anymore.I also want a smooth and peaceful departure.The issues will just increase and I won't be able to handle it P'aof."

* Son..*

" We talked about this, right?? I'll be okay and I won't forget all of you."

" Will they be fine if you don't even let them know about it?"

I suddenly thought about P'aof's question. Maybe it's okay because this is already my decision.

* Just go straight here to P'zee's venue so you don't have to go that far.*

After reading that I got up to get dressed.Even if I wanted to sleep all day, I couldn't because I had to prioritize the agency.And in the three days we were all apart Hia and I had a sudden promotion,so I couldn't spare myself to rest.


It only took a few minutes and I arrived at the place P'aof told me.I was immediately assisted by other staff and told to wait a while because he said he had left.

" Jelly!! Are you also here to support your boyfriend? Yieeee!! " he said excitedly and came closer to me.

" There you are again." I said to him.

" Why are you here just now? They are already finish filming."

" P'aof is the reason why I came here jelly." I said halfheartedly but he just laughed.

" Come inside.There as well Piah inside." I just followed what he said because I'm sure he's just going to complain.

" But don't worry their rooms are different."

" Hi, Nong New." greeted the staff when we got inside.

" I'm going to point P'zee's room to you. Maybe he's already fixing his things because we're going home too." we just listened to her as we walked and smiled at the people we met.

" That's it. I'll leave you guys I was suddenly called there." she smiled and said goodbye to us. We thanked her before leaving.Nat asked where the other people who came here with him were but sister didn't know so he's going to look for them more later.

" Is there anyone here? We're looking for Piah to go home." asked her manager and he was the one who opened the door.

When we entered, he turned around because he didn't seem to be able to see what he was looking for.We thought he was about to leave, but he walked quickly to one side so we followed him in surprise.

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