chapter 3

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"Okay so we, don't know who the jutsu caster is? The village is under a lockdown, you say that they found a scroll threatening to kill our loved ones? AND on top of that we have reanimated guests?!?, I shouldn't have listened to you shikamaru. I'm gone to sleep for an hour and this?"

"You need to clam down Naruto. This is not even the worst it could get! And it's good that you at least got an hour of sleep, your thinking will be.... rational and you at least look—" shikamaru stopped and looked at him, eyes squinting "lookable".

"Fine! Whatever let's go back to the T&I" Naruto scoffed as he grabbed his cloak. following shikamaru to the T&I building which was right next to the hokage building. They walked to the basement where most of the S-rank interrogations would happen.

"We should probably call Sakura to check their chakra systems to track their caster "Shikamaru said thoughtfully as he walked to the basement of the T&I unit with Naruto.

"I'll send her a summon, plus where the hell is Sasuke?"

"Is he still on his mission, dint he comeback?"

"You're asking me if I know shikamaru?"

"Well, shouldn't you?"

They abruptly stopped in front of the slidable translucent door. Naruto could totally see the silhouettes of at least people. Taking in a deep breathe, Naruto slid open the door. Naruto went in, not as Naruto, but as the 7th hokage. He shouldn't let his emotions control him right now.

"It sure has been a while, hasn't it? Naruto"

Minato was the first person to speak among the five. At first, he couldn't even recognise who this person was, but the yellow hair and cute little whiskers he remembered his son having when he was a day old and his ocean blue eyes reminded him of Naruto. And not to mention the proud smile he had looking at the hat and cloak he was wearing.

"You sure have grown into a fine man"

This time it was his mother, kushina she had a smile, a big one, tears brimming out of her eyes. He made it! He had finally fulfilled his dream. She knew he could do it

"Tou-San, ka-San" Naruto blurted out. He couldn't believe it "Oh and fugaku -San, Mikoto-San. Its nice to meet you" Naruto said coming back to his senses. He would probably talk to them later. He had other major things to worry about it as well (I'm not implying his parents aren't important)

Mikoto smiled back while fugaku nodded. Mikoto still remembered looking at baby Naruto after kushina and Minato got killed way before their massacre. But she never thought she would see him like this one day.

He could feel Itachi's gaze on his face as he turned around and looked at him.

"Itachi, long time, isn't it?" asked Naruto, grinning sheepishly and rubbing the back of his head

"You sure did keep your word Naruto" with a small grin on his face and a glint of happiness in his eyes.

Naruto was nudged at the back by shikamaru, breaking his trance "Ah right"

"I'm sorry but as long as I want to talk with all of you, you all need to go through a full body check-up— for safety purposes of course" Naruto said glooming, thinking about going back to his office (not to sleep) and signing truckloads of paper.

but there was a small- NO NO, he would be practically jumping around with happiness, running around the village announcing to the whole entire village that his parents were back to life, well kind of, he would even run to sunagakure for thirty-seven times about shouting about how happy he was.

Smiling, he turned around and walked out of the room, sending one of his toads as a summon to Sakura 'Your father-in-law and mother-in-law aaand your brother-in-law are reanimated' Nononono that's too blunt. 'You're finally going to meet your in laws dattebayo!' what that doesn't explain the purpose.

'Your needed at the hospital, we've got a few reanimated guests here. It's going to be a pleasant surprise.

X Naruto

PS: where the hell is Sasuke?'


Before editing: 315 words (lol such a loser)

after editing: 683 words (i hope i could improve just like  this in studies as well)

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