chapter 1

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"Edo Tensei no jutsu!"

The chant echoed at the walls of the cave as the leaves rustled, the moon was a white balloon floating over konohagakure. Even if a mere chunin or even a genin was nearby at this night, they would have definitely noticed a large amount of chakra being used – anyone a mile away from the cave would have noticed.

Meekly five humans were sacrificed, someone either with a dead brain, cut off limbs, or simple orphans who had a nasty fate to die on this very night. Someone had to make these sacrifices in the dead of night-so that no one could know— isn't it?

The jutsu caster wore a mask with two holes to see and a cape that framed his body, and in a blink of an eye, the five shinobis who were supposed to be reanimated— revived from the dead, now practically immortal as the rule of the jutsu tells – Namikaze Minato, Uzumaki Kushina, Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Mikoto and.......... Uchiha Itachi

The caster of the jutsu quickly made the sign for a shunshin— half tiger, Ram – in a whirl of wind, the jutsu caster had been replaced by a scroll, not letting the reanimated guests a get a glimpse of the shinobi, a trace of chakra was not felt too—

As soon as the reanimated guests were back to life, an expression of shock was implanted on their faces and their eyes twitched, trying to adjust their eyes to the dark cave around them

"Wait, does this mean...... a war is going on? I'm back to the living—who casted this?" The fourth hokage exclaimed, worry etched on his face until he heard a familiar voice.

"It sure does feel weird being brought back to the living, isn't it?" Kushina—?

"You too...Kushina?" The yondaime turned back and hugged his wife as she slowly put an arm around him "I'm glad".

As the Minato was releasing himself from the hug to ask his wife 'what they could do further?' a toneless voice with a hint of surprise was heard.

"Isn't this forbidden?"

Wait? That— fugaku?! Minato's voice in his head whirled with explanation as he heard the familiar sound.

"We really are...brought back to life, aren't we?" another soft voice was heard, this time Kushina turned around to meet her friend.

"Mikoto, fugaku- San" Kushina acknowledged with a smile on his face while Minato stood there, surprised to meet his friend.

"Kushina! It's been a really long time, isn't it? And at the same time, it's so confusing" Mikoto greeted kushina with a smile and a nod to Minato.

"It's the Edo Tensei Mikoto, we are back to life, the four of us, or five if I can say" fugaku eyes shot to the back of the cave, his three Tomoe sharingan on, meeting another pair of sharingan eyes.

".... Itachi" Mikoto blurted out with surprise

"I—I knew I felt a familiar chakra!" her voice was brittle and soft

"Mother, Father" his irises were still read, but by the stance he stood, It was normal, not killing intent radiating from his body, as if he was ready to take a hit from anyone at this point

"It's been quite a while, hasn't it?" Mikoto smiled at her eldest son genuinely.

"It has been a while, mother, father" Itachi replied.


"I'm sorry"

"Itachi......we, we know" mother smiled, and his father nodded.

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