Chapter 8

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Liam's POV

He wakes up in the middle of the night half expecting Thomson to yell at them for being alone together. He looks up and sees Calvin sound asleep. Something about it doesn't scream Calvin. Liam hears his phone ring, but it's all the way on the other side of the room. He has to get up. He slithers out of Calvin's arms and reaches for the phone after it stops ringing.

It's Thomson. He recalls him, "What did you want?"

"Am I not allowed to check on my brother? What took you so long to get to the phone?"

"I was doing something." Liam glances at Calvin.

"Something or someone?"

"Something. I haven't seen Calvin since you left."

"So, you just assume that I was asking about Calvin? That says a lot about your mindset. I was just wondering because you seem off right now."

"No, I just know what you're thinking. And I'm not off. Can you just go away? I was asleep."

"Fine, I'll just call Calvin instead." Thomson hangs up before Liam can say anything. A few minutes later, Calvin's phone starts to ring and Calvin just rolls over.

"Can you answer it?" Calvin groans, Liam's eyes go wide.

"You don't want me to. It's Tommy." Calvin doesn't say anything, he just groans as he lets himself fall off the bed and walk over to the phone.

"Man, I was asleep. What do you want?" Calvin asks, not being bothered to put it up to his ear, so he puts it on speaker.

"Why is everyone asleep? It's not even that late."

"I've had a long day. I would really like to go back to sleep if you're done bothering me."

"Wait, before you go, I was wondering if you knew what's up Liam's arse. He's acting weird." Calvin chokes at the surprise of the question, coughing for a second.

"Oh, I'm not sure. I haven't seen him since earlier today. Maybe it's that Alban guy." Liam glares at Calvin, punching him in the arm. Calvin lets out a loud "ow", then pushes Liam away.

"What was that? Are you alright?" Thomson asked.

"Yeah, I just stubbed my toe. I'm kinda half asleep. So you want me to ask Liam what's crawled up his arse? I can do that."

"Just don't try to crawl up there yourself when you're talking to him." Calvin looked over at Liam, who started fake gagging at his brother's comment.

"Don't worry, I'll stay away."

"Thanks, I'll be back soon."

"Alright, see ya, Tom Tom." Thomson hung up without responding. Calvin turned to Liam with a smirk on his face. Liam's eyes went wide with concern.

"What?" Liam asked. Calvin walking towards him.

"So, what's up your arse?" Calvin teased.

"You're not funny." Liam looked Calvin in the eyes as he moved closer to him. "Tommy literally just said he'd be home soon."


"So, unless you want him to kill you, you should probably go back to his room."

"He's not going to do anything." Calvin put his hand on Liam's shoulder and Liam immediately pushed it off.

"Calvin, go back to Thomson's room. I can only stand you for so long."

"Oh, whatever, you love me."

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