The Aging World

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Yup, I’m ready to take a trip; finally hit retirement age and now I’m free to go.  I’ve always dreamed of an inter-galactic tour.  You know, pack my bags, journey to another galaxy, and explore the universe.  The only thing is I’m not allowed to travel.  I have a medical condition.  I am infested with human-lice.  Yup-yup-yup and I’ve tried everything to get rid of them.

I’ve plunged myself into fierce moving water, thrown scorching hot, melted rocks at them, tried shaking them off with extremely powerful shudders, spun myself around and around creating a vortex of tornado-force winds, I’ve even tried to burn them off like ticks – nothing works.  They’re still hanging on.  Yup-yup-yup they’re extremely persistent these people-lice; exceptionally determined.

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