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noami 🎧 @resiax

user @userone

user @usertwo
This girl finally stopped leeching off of tommy 


user @userseventy
y'all can't give this girl a break 😭

user @userthree


noami 🎧 @resiax

billzo @billzo_
who hurt you....


noami 🎧 @resiax
tu madre 💔💔

user @userfour

user @userfive
this is ass bro


user @userninety
npc behavior 🥱

NAOMI FINALLY DROPPED HER ALBUM! Her friends decided to have a celebration party over dinner. They had picked a fancy restaurant after hours of arguing as they normally do, but then also collectively agreed that Naomi would be paying.

They had decided to invite Tommy as well, thinking it would be a perfect way to meet the group on a good note but there she sat at their table as her friends pestered the boy with silly questions.

"What's your political opinion on apples?" Dayana questioned, interlocking her hands together to let out a look of sophistication.

"Wh-WHAT?" Tommy exclaimed profusely.

"Are you pro-red or pro-green?" Kimberly added on.

"That is such a weird question, i-"

"He's probably pro-yellow, Naomi, your boyfriend's weird. Did you know that?" Vinnie informed solemnly.

"He's a streamer, not the least of expected. But speaking of weird you keep on interrogating him with these– uh what the word – very strange questions!" Naomi snapped, her hands expressing her emotions.

"In our defense," Patsy spoke up, raising her finger shyly. "We just met this guy, and as you know he needs to pass the exam."

"The WHAT?"

"No my friends word everything wrong, they're just testing your worthiness," Naomi explained to the blond, putting a hand on the boy's shoulder to calm him down.

"Who are we interrogating?" Jenny questioned, finally walking in with Travis.

"There you guys are, you're late." Dayana scoffed.

"Well if it wasn't for Miss. Perfection over here we would've been on time, but NOOO! Her eyeliner wasn't good enough for her." Travis teased, moving towards the party table. "Kimmy, move over,"

"Make me,"

"I'm gay, it's literally pride month...."


"Fuck off. Anyways, who's goldie over there?"

"My boyfriend?" Naomi raised her eyebrow, gaping at the dumbstruck look on her face. "Guys.."

"You don't remember him?" Jenny gasped. "She talks about him every minute she breathes!"

"Whatever do you mean?"

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