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Ch. 27: i've always liked to play with fire

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Seraena slipped into the hot pool.

Delicious steam curled around her. It had been two hours since the semi-finals race, and she still couldn't shake the chill; the cold seemed to have coated her bones in frost. She tipped her head back, smiling at the rocky ceiling.

It had been worth it, though.

Just to see the look on Mack's face when she beat him.

Besides, Seraena reflected, she deserved this — especially considering her conversation with Vulcan. She grimaced. Her older cousin had cornered her after the race, rain-soaked and furious. His dark eyes had been fathomless pits.

"Pull out of the Grand Race," he spat. "Now."

Seraena had sighed. "Lovely to see you too, Vulcan."

"I'm serious, Seraena." He'd leaned close to her, close enough that she could smell his breath, sweet as rotting fruit. "This is your only warning."

"You don't scare me."

"No?" His smile was hideous. "Because I should."

Seraena shivered, slipping into the hot pool. The entire conversation had left her feeling... well, unsettled. She knew the cruelty that Vulcan was capable of; she'd seen the scars on Hellart's back, the shadows in Flint's eyes.

But would Vulcan do that to her?

His own cousin?

Footsteps sounded behind her. Makenna, she thought, turning, but the figure was tall. Muscular. Blond hair came into view, followed by cornflower blue eyes. A towel was slung low on his waist, revealing a deep V.


His smile was devastating. In fact, Seraena thought, she'd known quite a few girls on the Islands that had fallen prey to that smile. "Can I join you?"

She frowned. "How did you get in here?"


Ah. "Mack let you in, didn't he?"

Kane's smile turned sheepish. "He showed me the secret entrance." He paused. "You're not naked, are you?"

"Why?" She smirked. "Would you be a gentleman and leave?"

Seraena expected him to say something snarky; she would have, if the situation was reversed. But Flint's gaze was steady. "If you asked me to leave, then I would turn around and go. Simple as that."


Something in her softened. "You can join me; I don't mind."

She was wearing a white shift today, although it was so dark that she doubted Flint would be able to see anything. He dropped his towel, wincing as he stepped into the hot pool. She hid a smile; he really was such a bheela.

"Congratulations." Flint sunk into the water. "On qualifying. You flew a good race today."

Her amusement vanished. "I should have done better."

"You did pretty damn well."

"Arlo used to say that you're only as good as your last race. And third place isn't first." Seraena dragged her fingers through the water. "You must be happy about second."

Flint's brow furrowed. "I didn't beat Vulcan."

Ah. So they were alike, in that regard: if they didn't win, then it wasn't good enough. Especially if the winner was her cousin.

"I saw your mother on the cliffs." Seraena smiled at the memory of the blonde healer, running around like a hatchling, her hands flapping in excitement. "She was telling everyone how proud she was of you."

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