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Ch. 26: the day of the semi-finals

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Kane lost the race spectacularly.

Seraena picked the track. It was a tricky little path, carving through jungle and under stone bridges, which gave her the advantage; Kyllini was small and nimble enough to weave through all of it unscathed. Hellart, on the other hand, slammed into palm trees and nearly went straight through a bridge. Kane was just grateful that Mack hadn't been watching; he would have laughed his ass off.

They landed on top of the salt caves. Seraena was smirking as she slid down Kyllini, patting her mount affectionately on the snout. "If it wasn't for our bet," she said, "I would have thought you let me win."

"I can assure you," Kane said, "I didn't."

"I know." Her mouth quirked. "No kiss for you."

Damn. "Not even a pity kiss?"

"Who says I pity you?"

Kane hopped off Hellart, wincing slightly at his stiff legs. He had spent more time airborne than on the ground lately, and his muscles had all hardened to rocks. Seraena moved closer, holding out her hand for Hellart to smell.

"Hello, my darling," she crooned. "We're going to have such fun together."

Kane wasn't sure that he would describe riding Hellart as fun. More like incredibly stupid. Or potentially lethal.

Seraena jumped onto Hellart's back, pushing her dark braid over her shoulder. Then she dug her heels into the dragon's side. Hellart didn't budge, and she tried again. Kane watched, amused, as his mount gave a great yawn, closing his eyes.

Seraena frowned. "Why isn't he moving?"

"He's waiting for me." Kane grinned at the look on her face. "Oh, you didn't think I was going to let you ride Hellart alone, did you?"

"But I—"

"Ah, ah." He held up a finger. "That wasn't our deal."

She scowled. "You're a dirty cheat, Flint."

"Just a pragmatist, love," Kane said.

Seraena cast her eyes skyward. "I hate that nickname."

"And I don't care."

Kane hopped up behind her. He could feel the warmth of her skin, feel the tickle of her hair on his chin. Nectarine and honey flooded his senses, heady and intoxicating. A golden dragon cuff slithered around her ear, flicking out a forked tongue.

"Okay," Kane murmured. "Now we can go."

He gave Hellart a little squeeze, and his mount launched into the sky, his crimson wings like translucent orange petals. Not that he would ever call Hellart's wings translucent petals in front of him. His dragon would pitch a fit. Kyllini shot up next to them, circling overhead like a small black shark.

Seraena scanned the sea, her lovely face remote. Distant. He wondered if she was thinking about the other day in the council room, the way those men had ignored her, and a bloom of irritation unfurled in his chest.

"I'm sorry," Kane said. "For how they treated you the other day."

She stiffened. "I'm not surprised."

"No offense, but your council's bigoted and your cousin's a leech." Kane didn't need to specify which one; they both knew he meant Vulcan. "And I love Mack, but he's an idiot for voting against you."

"But you didn't."

She twisted around to look at him curiously. Unfortunately, this also meant that her full mouth was now only inches away. Taunting him. Kane gave himself a mental shake.

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