Chapter 10: The Pavilion of Light

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       "What?! N-No, let me go!" Jungkook shouted at the door which held his hand. "Why are even the doors monstrous here?!"

He imagined on the other side a monster ready to sink its fangs into his flesh to rip his hand off, especially since he felt that his hand was covered with a hot breath, as if the mouth of an animal was very close. Unless the door that already had an eye also had a mouth itself? 

      He couldn't be sure of anything in a place strange like that. He was going to beg the door again when his heart almost skipped a beat.

     The eye that was represented on the door began to blink and to wiggle in its orbit to look at him, it was a terrifying sight which made him let out a howl of horror. Behind Jungkook, the cat meowed loudly, as if he felt that what was happening was abnormal, attracting his attention.

     "Please help me!" he shouted at the cat, "go get Jimin, or whoever, tell them my hand is stuck in the door!"

     But the cat just stared at him with piercing eyes, like if it was waiting to see what was going to happen to Jungkook.

     "You're so useless!" Jungkook cursed, but he turned away from the cat when he suddenly felt the door release him carried away by his backward movement, he fell to the ground in a dull noise.

     "Ouch!" He grumbled.

     Watching his hand hurriedly to check that all his fingers were still attached to it, he saw that it was covered in a runny liquid and noticed that a large tongue full of saliva had appeared in the hole left when he had removed his hand. He also managed to see a row of teeth which could very well have shredded his arm. 

     "AAAh, that's so disgusting!" Jungkook shouted, looking at his wet hand in disgust before he wiped it on the floor.

     Suddenly, under Jungkook's amazed eyes, the whole stretched into a mocking smile, the eye closed and the two wings of the wide door opened slowly, cutting the smile in two parts and making it even scarier. 

     There was no technology here, but Jungkook, fascinated, was suddenly sure it would act like finger recognition thanks to his tatoo. 

     "Wow! Did you see that?" he exclaimed at the cat I who was the only witness to what had just happened.

     But he realized that the cat had already disappeared.

     "I hate that cat," Jungkook mumbled, feeling more ridiculous than ever.

    Quickly forgetting what had just happened and consumed by curiosity, Jungkook didn't wait any longer and entered the sun-drenched pavilion from which echoed the sound of several conversations as well as laughter and shouts from all floors. 

      Immediately the door closed behind him with a loud bang which was masked at Jungkook by the noise that's reigned inside. Anyway the boy was already to absorbed in his observation of the place to worry about what was behind him.

     Indeed his eyes begin to look everywhere at a dizzying speed, because they were too many things to look at for a human eye to perceive them all at the same time.

    On the ground floor, there was an interior courtyard with a small Zen garden, whose relaxing water sounds were unfortunately inaudible due to the noise of people, and ponds over which arched small stone bridges. People were resting here and there while around the garden, outside corridors covered with richly worked arches were traversed by painted walls where multiple doors were pierced.

      Looking up, Jungkook noticed that suspended wooden bridges covered with flowers intertwined in the air like hanging gardens where small birds came to rest, while on the four sides, other corridors plunged further into the pavilion. The set was so big that Jungkook wondered how he could fit in the only building he had seen from outside.

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