Part - 1

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"A talented magician, near the very top of the lightning tower.

That was where she resided.

Her cold demeanour, her experiments with magic, and her two subjects.
One was simply that; her experiment. The other was like her loving older sister.
But she could never be her.

She was cold.
Her joints creaky, gaze empty.
That's what she was; a new, empty being.

But what about the other one?

He was merely a magic-infused puppet she used to test her chances, and he revealed to have some sort of human emotions.

But that wasn't what she needed in him.
She wanted her sister. She required her.

The emptiness in her heart didn't quell, and in the end she transferred her powers on what could be considered her doppelgänger, falling into a deep slumber to stay with her beloved familiar.

The tower of lightning didn't stay silent and, not long after, the test subject had been kicked out of the tower.

The accusation? Conspiracy with the ice tower.

It had met a friend from that cold, cold place, and they had been the best of friends.
The purple magician didn't stay silent;

'You are betraying my benevolence.' She said. 'I wanted to keep you here cause our mother liked you but; you are an enemy.' Her gaze cold, she sneered at the careless puppet.

That day, it had a beautifully crafted crown; made of crystal flowers. The flowers of their opponents.

His 'heart' had been ripped away; his only friend in that cruel world....

Its years of despair in the wilderness never ceased. The ice tower condemned its dear friend to execution, and he was captured an beaten.

A beautiful fox then took it in.
It was mesmerized by the kitsune....but she had later betrayed the puppet.

She revealed herself as a spy from the lightning tower, and she laid a curse upon the poor, poor puppet.

His body now changed, it retreated into the never be seen again."

Your mother closed the story book, placing it securely on your nightstand.

"Oh.....poor him..." the pout on your face didn't disappear at the end of the story.
If anything, it had deepened.

"" your mother had been stroking your cheek, "don't worry, it's just a story!"

" it true that we didn't have palaces? What if the seven towers really existed? And what if the puppet is till alone?" Your eyes got teary thinking of such an occurrence....your little self hugged the comforter tighter, wishing to be able to hug that poor creature.

"Don't worry sweetie....I already told you it's just a story, have I not?" Your mother's wings fluttered, and she flew from your small bed. "Be sure to sleep. Else your wings will never grow!"

You shuddered, pointy appendages trembling at the mere tough. Your mother quickly reassured you such a thing would never happen, kissing your forehead before pulling up your blankets.
She got to close the door;

"Don't let such stories bother you so much, love."

For a Dragon's heartOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant